We are moving…

Pharmacist’s Cafe
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2 min readJul 9, 2021
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

The Pharmacist’s Café has been hosted through the Medium platform for a number of years. And while the layout for writing is the best I’ve found to date, I’m finding the features aren’t what I’m looking for moving forward. I don’t write regularly, but when I do, I’d like the article to reach my subscriber’s inbox. I don’t want to be drawn into whether I publish it as a article on the page, or in a newsletter (there is a difference as articles are not sent to your subscriber’s inbox, but newsletters don’t show on the webpage in the normal way). I’d found a way to mitigate this, but publishing content twice on the same platform is not the right approach for a blogger.

Unfortunately Medium as a platform has decided to progress in a different direction — one which carters to Medium’s internal publication system and less so on external sharing. I found this most frustrating when publishing my article An analysis of the GB Pharmacy pre-registration exam pass figures from 2011 to 2019. I’ve instead decided to move where I host my blog from Medium, to Substack. The domain is currently set to https://pharmacistscafe.substack.com/ however in time I will redirect the Pharmacists Café URL to this which will enable all who visit the blog to follow my content.

A frustrating thing is that I am unable to transfer my subscribers across from Medium to Substack (whereas Substack allows you to). If you’d like to keep reading my blog posts, please consider moving to the new page and signing up there. You only need your email address and it is a smoother sign up process than it was for this platform. Thank you for reading and have a great weekend.

Best regards,




Pharmacist’s Cafe

Healthcare public policy. Interests include healthcare, politics and investing. All views my own.