Growing Cell and Gene Therapy Market: Vector Manufacturers Make Merry

Rohit Kumar
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2019

Cell and gene therapies are the new entrants in the pharma Superstar Club. They are selling tickets faster than a Queen’s concert in the 1980s. In fact, as per the Alliance of Regenerative Medicine’s recent findings, there has been more than 75% year on year increment in funding to support the development of various cell and gene therapies. With over 2,600 clinical trials registered to date, cell and gene therapies are playing in a league of their own.

One industry that has benefitted the most with the rise of these novel therapies is the vector manufacturing space. As a result of the growing demand for such therapies and the rising number of clinical research initiatives in this domain, there has been a significant increase in demand for preclinical and clinical-grade gene delivery vectors.

One other trend that has been consistently observed in this space is the prominent role that contract manufacturers (CMOs) have played. Existing manufacturing concerns in this field have led many players to outsource vector and gene therapy manufacturing operations to different CMOs. The recent deal signed between Lonza and Prevail Therapeutics for AAV based gene therapies is a perfect example of the role that CMOs are playing in this space.

The wide geographical spread of these CMOs is indicative of the rise in global demand. The below added illustrative figure highlights the global activity in vectors and gene therapies contract manufacturing space:

With more than 180 academic and industry players providing contract manufacturing service, this is already a very crowded space. What will be interesting to see is how these CMOs stand out to occupy a bigger chunk of this market, which is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% in the next 10 years.

To get the latest insights into the vector and gene therapy contract manufacturing market, click here.

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Rohit Kumar

A consultant in the biopharma industry with expertise in market forecasting and opportunity assessment.