Elixir. Process Registry. One-node pool.

Distributed Systems Development A-Z Guide.

Dmytro Nasyrov
Pharos Production
6 min readMay 18, 2017


Process registry and their friends

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While Poolboy is on a vacation, we will talk about worker pool creation. This article will describe a simple one-node process pool.


What is a process pool and when should we use it? Let’s assume you have a long-running task in your system. That can be image uploading or database query. When you run such task in a process and waiting for the response, a process is blocked — this is the easiest way to get a synchronous overwhelmed queue. So we decide to spawn tasks concurrently. For example, every task should connect to a database, and database maximum connection pool is 3 connections. Then we need to spawn 3 processes, save their PIDs, restart them when they crash and give some meaningful API to use all this stuff. Let’s see how to do this.


Let’s move from top to bottom. This is our application module. While application starts it spawns a top-level supervisor with two workers on-board and rest-for-one strategy. Rest-for-one — when worker crashed, supervisor crashing all workers started after the crashed one. Supervisor always starts workers synchronously so if worker Registry will die, then Pool Server should be killed by a supervisor too. Also, a supervisor has a limit on the number of child restarts, if a worker decides to crash infinitely, supervisor crashing by itself and killing all it’s dependencies after that limit amount is over. Be aware of long waiting initiation of workers. The default timeout is 5 seconds after the process will be killed. If you want to run long waiting initiations —you can find more details here Long-waiting calls.

So two children here: Registry and a Pool Server.

Application Module

As you can guess from its name Registry will contain process PIDs and their related keys. And Pool Server is an interface for workers and workers supervisor.


Pool Server

This is our Pool Server. Pretty straightforward. Actually, this module doesn’t implement gen_server behavior, it’s just an interface.

We define a pool size to 3 workers. Here start_link instantiates pool supervisor(you will see this module in a short). Call and cast are just for example and surely should be replaced with something more meaningful in a real project. The most interesting part here is a small function choose_worker with a worker_key parameter. It takes a key, which is a worker name or something else but meaningful, hash it and responds with a value in a range of 1..3. So we will always have the same worker for the same worker key value. That’s how you can forward different users to different workers, etc.

From Erlang docs: erlang:phash2(Term, Range) -> Hash

A portable hash function that gives the same hash for the same Erlang term regardless of machine architecture and ERTS version (the BIF was introduced in ERTS 5.2). The function returns a hash value for Term within the range 0..Range-1. The maximum value for Range is 2³². When without argument Range, a value in the range 0..2²⁷-1 is returned.


Pool Supervisor

This is our Pool Supervisor. We start it in a local namespace with a name equal to the module name and pool_size as a parameter and set it to 3. Start_link calls init callback. In init we instantiate workers. Notice :id argument in a worker function call. This argument is related to the supervisor but not to a worker itself. A supervisor should know it’s children. Here id is a tuple {:atom_name, worker_id} where worker_id is an integer, but you can use any.

The strategy is also one_for_one. We want to restart a worker after it crashed.


Pool worker implements gen_server behavior. We define a worker’s name outside of the module using the process_id function; in a supervisor and in a registry(you will see it soon) just for the sake of simplicity. Take a look at start_link, call, and cast functions. They are all has the same function call via_tuple(name). Gen_server is smart and knows that tuple {:via, process_module_name, process_name} is exactly what should define a connection to a process registry. So we have this out of the box.


Process registry is a Plain Old GenServer(POGS). But there is one unusual thing in a module definition. We should import all Kernel functions except send. We need to override this function to allow process registry to send values to a correct process or return an error if there was no such a process spawned.


From Elixir docs: send(dest, msg)

send(dest :: pid | port | atom | {atom, node}, msg) :: msg when msg: any

Sends a message to the given dest and returns the message.dest may be a remote or local PID, a (local) port, a locally registered name, or a tuple {registered_name, node} for a registered name at another node.

Next is a module interface. It’s quite straightforward. Start_link starts Registry module in a local namespace. Register_name(key, pid), well, registering worker name for a process PID. Whereis_name — lookup for a spawned registered process. Send — sends a message to a process if there is one or returns an error. Unregister_name removes process name-pid from a registry. Our registry is a simple Map. We will change the map in future to more complex and fast storage. But it’s enough for now.


Gen_server callbacks.

Register_name has one special row. We define a monitor to be sure that we will not leave orphan PIDs in a registry if they will crash.


Below is a callback for a monitor. The monitor sends a DOWN message and we should take it out of a mailbox. A parameter is a PID to remove. Also, we should define handle_info “catch-all” function to be sure we will not overwhelm mailbox.

Monitor callback

Other two callbacks — lookup and unregister.

Nothing special here


Next time we will look at dynamic process spawning and another way to handle the process on a single node. You can find a full source here:

Link to Github repo pharosproduction/process-registry

Thanks for reading!



Dmytro Nasyrov
Pharos Production

We build high-load software. Pharos Production founder and CTO.