Using AWS CloudWatch in Grafana.

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5 min readFeb 8, 2019
Grafana & CloudWatch


AWS CloudWatch is Amazon’s monitoring services for cloud resources. It is used to collect and display metrics and other useful information. Administrators can use AWS CloudWatch to know what needs to be improved or get warned when something breaks. It works with all the AWS resources. Grafana is a popular open source dashboard tool. It works out of the box with different data sources including Graphite OpenTSDB, and InfluxDB. The user can easily edit and modify the dashboard according to their requirement. It also enables them to monitor multiple solutions from a single place. It uses different types of graphs, charts and other forms of tools to help users in giving them a bird’s eye view.

In this article, we will walk you through on how to create dashboards in Grafana to monitor in real-time your EC2 instances based on metrics collected in AWS CloudWatch

Step 1. Install Grafana.

First of all, you need to install grafana. One of our articles fully describes this process.

Step 2. Creating a new Policy

Grafana needs permissions granted via IAM to be able to read CloudWatch metrics and EC2 tags/instances/regions. You can attach these…

