Web3, AWS and Graviton4

Dmytro Nasyrov
Pharos Production
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2024

We use AWS for all server infrastructure. AWS provides various types of instances for all requirements — CPU, RAM, disk, and network optimized. My team develops project Ludo — a reputational system of the Web3 world. Of course we deployed Ludo into AWS as we know how to cook AWS infrastructure well. Today we switched from r7g and m7g Graviton3 spot instances to Graviton4 r8g instances. AWS claimed a boost of 30% for this new CPU type. Architecture is ARM64 of course. Let’s see how it will work. But there is one big benefit — free pools of servers. I don’t know why the pool is free — is that a huge amount of servers in data centers or other projects have been switched to them yet, but the spot price of the r8g family is 3 times cheaper than the r7g. And the frequency of interruption is less than 5%.
Sounds like a great deal. We already improved Solr’s performance with this instance type. Now it’s time to switch from outdated instances to Graviton4 completely.

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Dmytro Nasyrov
Pharos Production

We build high-load software. Pharos Production founder and CTO.