PACT Analysis

The Team 3
Phase 1: Envision


Machines were mice and humans were lions once upon a time, but now that it’s the opposite, it’s twice upon a time

PEOPLE — characters, skill set


  • Gulf Petro (GPC) Project Managers
  • Employees (TOS), contractors, salaried
  • Small business owners
  • Older people/people who aren’t tech savvy who need education
  • Millennials (teens to age 30)


  • Concern and value transparency and security
  • Need for easy to absorb data visualization
  • Sense of responsibility and accountability
  • Concerned for management of cost and values
  • Sensitivity to privacy and permissions relating to account position


  • Usage is also dependant on email and in-app notifications
  • Invoicing, on-the-go
  • Project Managers, employees

ACTIVITIES — how they are done and how they can be improved


  • It will be used daily to check costs and expenses
  • Daily updates and notifications for frequent use


  • Use between both employees/business owners
  • Differentiation of project managers, employee positions, (who sees what)


  • View invoices in an efficient way using a mobile app
  • Avoid duplicate invoices and multiple rate charges


  • Compare bill payments to ensure stability of costs and payment
  • Issue a purchase order which includes pricing, cost and all fees
  • Reduce effort, time, and costs
  • Formal invoicing estimates/agreements, to be approved by project managers
    (Negotiate a rate with TOS), history view

CONTEXT — where they do and with whom


  • Portable (to check finances/security)
  • Access at work and on the go
  • Different countries, currencies, time zones (activity, timestamps)
  • Verify risk factor of over charge


  • Privacy measures to counter financial discrepancies
  • From account info input: Mandatory employee profile picture and name for accountability
  • Employee history activity


  • Emphasize work safety for part-time and full time employees
  • Secure account info for instant coherency with data
  • History of costs and productivity
  • Fluctuations of currency

TECHNOLOGIES — current and proposed


  • Mobile application
  • On the go (Android, Apple, Windows)
  • Cloud based invoicing/project management service


  • Easy to navigate through rates and invoices
  • Providing history of costs and payments for stability
  • Concise reports on employee contribution and labour efforts
  • Overview of cost and expenses of labour time
  • View history of employee accountability and history of payment
  • History of invoices after payments to verify if duplicate invoices have been created
  • Indication of (paid, overdue or draft) for invoices


  • Reports on client interactions and invoice history
  • Compatible with other applications (Gmail)
  • Internal account info from company
  • Manual editing to invoices (typos, differentiation of roles)


  • Emails from clients as a communication medium,
    — for invoicing
    — estimates,
    — confirmations (payment, etc)
  • Notifications reminders to pay invoices, etc (mindful of private data such as numbers)
  • Voicemail for urgency

Pain Points:

  • Transparency
  • Team management
  • Disorganization of information
  • Lack of trust between company and employees
  • Lack of navigation to categorize and locate data
  • Confusing output of data visualization
    (will build upon other pain points for project statement)
  • Pain in budget, expenses
  • No one to inform the right, ethical decision
  • Security of employees information and of financial

