Team 4 Critique

The Team 3
Phase 2: Prototype Progress
2 min readFeb 9, 2016

Tag Team Critique by Team 3

Navigational Menu

For the hamburger menu, since there are only two options available (Settings, Favourites etc.), you can consider integrating icons into a consistent navigational system that is part of the same hierarchy.


Use more hierarchy so that the user may be able to differentiate between sections/features, for example the route details, presto card, etc. Have a consistent navigational system that is part of the same hierarchy — either at the top or bottom.

Legibility and tapping

Make your tap sizes bigger with legible text as well (such as time to get to the location, schedule menu text, upcoming bus font size, and lines to differentiate between locations).

Visual Design

The visual design is consistent and neat. Although maybe Team 4 should use a certain colour scheme to separate different features. Another suggestion is to add a separation line (as thick as a hairline) between locations when searching for an address. What can be tapped on and what is a table? The addition of a presto page is great, however it could be more prominent, possibly a navigation at the bottom while having the presto “$” indicator in a different colour.

User Experience

Some improvements could include wording/labeling some buttons and icons (such as a “continue” or “next” button). Perhaps have a date and time selection system within the same system, perhaps benchmarking Google Maps. There could be a reduction in user flow by combining features such as when selecting a location (Kennedy) make a drop down menu showing details instead of navigating to a separate page. The bus times could be in a table maybe rather than a list. A table would allow the user to filter the day/time period when I’m bussing. This way, the user can merge the bus times with the date selection option. Also, having a full schedule drop down on the page as opposed to another separate tab would be more efficient.

Overall, your content and features are great. Some improvements could include some information regarding the bus time listing and maybe a update or notification system to show if there will be a delay. Having a button with labelling as opposed to small rectangular arrow symbol could improve the experience and legibility. Overall, the experience is smooth and intuitive.

Painpoint Idea

Presto card tapping on the phone would be useful. Check out the external app, it uses bluetooth and NFC. Perhaps that could be a function to explore.

App Critic Summary

Overall, good consistency with the app. We hope the suggestions would help the user navigate easily. Overall, your app is clean and your functions definitely solve main pain points regarding the transit system.

