Only theory doesn´t help

the importance of practice

Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner
2 min readDec 12, 2017


words, words,words (from StockSnap)

In the internet and information era that we are now it is very easy to know the theory about everything. It is easy to learn information about any subjective that interests you…

it is all just one google research away

but how about the practice?

I have always been curious about all kinds of stuff and always searched on books, magazines and now online about random stuff…but at the same time that I know a lot of things in theory, I lack practice in loads…

Just like I have my drivers license but I didn´t have practiced enough to feel comfortable on driving by myself or driving at all.

In theory I can also speak several languages but where is the practice of the pronunciation and having a real life conversation with a foreign stranger on the street?

In theory I know the gratitude is very powerful but in practice…well…we just complain and forget to be thankful for what we have.

In theory I know I have to talk to others about my feelings but in practice…it is kind of hard…

In theory I know that if I am unhappy in a relationship I must talk to my companion and find a suitable solution or just have the guts to end it, but in practice…it is hard to leave the “comfort box” of a relationship that is bad..but not too bad…

I theory it is better to be alone than with a bad company but in practice we are so scared of being alone that we prefer to feel lonely but with a human next to us…

As a student I know and recognize the importance of theory. It is necessary to know and understand how things or even people work, think and how to interact with them, but sometimes I feel we left the practical side aside.

Even the practice in talking to others is kind of forgotten as we seen in restaurants nowadays people sitting on the same table but each with a phone in hands, or even to cook a meal for a friend, to try a new sport.

In theory we are all connected 24 hours 7 days a week with the whole world but in practice we feel depressed, lonely and isolated.



Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.