The motivation to finish the PhD

after 3 years of research…where is my motivation?

Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner
2 min readAug 22, 2018


“A fun and scary roller coaster with lots of twist in an amusement park in Fuji-Q Highland” by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

It´s been said that the PhD is a roller coaster and I understand and agree with this idea but for me right now in the end is more like this:

“Wildwood fairgoers suspended in the air on an operating swing ride as others watch on” by Ethan Hoover on Unsplash

Yeah, more like moving and moving but feeling like not going so far at the same time my deadline is getting closer and closer…

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Even with the decision of getting an extension, my motivation comes and goes like a pendulum inside me and it is far from being the proper motivation that I need.

I know that after all these years the motivation should be just to finish or because it is so close to finish, but that is not a motivation boost for me…

In the end, my motivation is still very low and my impostor syndrome is very high, which makes progress complicated.



Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.