Where is my motivation?

sometimes feels like my motivation is running from me!

Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner
3 min readFeb 19, 2018


Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Some days I´m so motivated to all the items on my to do list:

  • to work on my PhD papers
  • to write here
  • to do online courses
  • to do language courses on my phone

I feel like I could conquer the world, with one hand!

but other days…it´s like… “please don´t take me out of my bed!”, and I have no motivation for anything more than just breathing.

Where is the motivation that was here yesterday?

I know it sounds dramatic but it is true…

“A yellow “Go up and never stop” neon with a long arrow against a black background” by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

I know we have the motivation that comes from inside us and one that comes from the external world, but I have a feeling that sometimes these two get together and go out for a holiday….away from me.

I´m still learning how to get my motivation back ( and stay) but there are something that I do:

small things that make me happy

for example writing makes me happy. Even when I´m not feeling motivated at all I write on my journal or on my computer and when I see the words coming together I feel more motivated to write more


Don´t ask me why but coffee works wonders

small to do list

a simple to do list with things that I can accomplish, like:

  • read 5 texts on Medium
  • waking up at 5 am
  • write 1 page on my journal

these small things help me to get my motivation back.

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash


whenever I feel not motivated to do something I try to take a deep breath, meditate for 10 minutes clear my mind.

reflect on the reason

After the meditation I can reflect on the reason why I´m feeling like this, on the why my motivation is gone….it can be because of a feedback that I got, or because I´m feeling tired, feeling stuck…but it is important for me to know the reason for it.

“A Lego stormtrooper on sand” by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

I guess the most important is…when my motivation runs away from me, I try to understand why and then I can run after it again, but never give up!



Sah. V. Lasso
PhD corner

Curious and focused as a cat with a laser. Expert in jumping out from the comfort zone by doing things I´m not good at! Publishing here since Sep 20, 2017.