5-Step Process to Programming for Beginners

Alana Rister, Ph.D.
Graduate Student Handbook
6 min readMay 28, 2022


Follow these steps for frustration-free coding!

Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

While working with beginner programmers, I noticed that many frustrations beginning programmers experience is because of their coding process. While programming can be very exciting, jumping into a coding process without much forethought can cause many frustrations and failing code.

Therefore, in this article, I will share my 5 step system for coding for beginners. This process works whether you are coding for data science, creating the backend of a program, or developing a GUI or website.

Step 1: Clarify Your Desired Output

Instead of jumping into creating your code, you want to start with a clear vision of your output. This output can be the result of one step of code or the first version of your program.

Before your write your first line, you should know (and write down):

  • What the final product will look like
  • What the final product will do or show
  • The functionalities you want your code to have
  • For each step of code, what you want it to output
  • How your program or code will be provided (i.e. markdown, web app, desktop app, mobile app)



Alana Rister, Ph.D.
Graduate Student Handbook

Write about entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal development. Also me: @alanalrister and @scigradcoach https://www.alanarister.com/alana-rister-newsletter