
Chao-Hsuan Ke
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2021

技術:科技事業的 CEO,要持續鑽研技術

  • 在科技事業中,CEO 最好還是技術出身 : 當科技公司的經營人擁有技術背景,才可以跟上技術瞬息萬變的更新腳步


  • 「有說服力的簡報」,其中有個訣竅:你自己要相信你在簡報什麼東西
  • Talk about something you know. (述你所知)

行銷:CEO 訂價能力,可抵 1,000 個工程師

  • 公司的利潤是訂價減去成本,有時你需要 1,000 個工程師,才能減 1% 成本;可是執行長有定價能力,把價格調高 1%,就等於減去 1000 個工程師,具有同樣作用


  • 在聽的時候要想:他為什麼用這幾個字?他為什麼講這個話?他的動機是什麼?他想要我做什麼?
  • 當你不寫筆記,真正的注意聽,就有時間去想。而且你看對方的肢體語言,每個人的肢體語言都透露些東西


  • 有班底,帶來帶去都是小圈子,不要把自己侷限在小圈子中。要包容,再建一個圈子班底,帶來帶去都是小圈子,不要把自己侷限在小圈子中。要包容,再建一個圈子
  • 領導人的定義只有兩個,第一、有人跟隨你,第二、你要知道往哪個方向走


  • 商品與客製品:一個競爭者就夠難應付,不如做只有你一家的生意
  • 只要兩家公司製作相似的東西,就是商品。其實,一個競爭者就夠你應付了。但是客製品只有一家,不過你想做客製品,就會牽涉到策略問題
  • 策略第一是「滿足客戶需求」,包括:提供客戶可超越對手、或至少與之匹敵的技術與設計、靈活回應技術需求、低價、縮短量產時程、品質可靠、可無縫溝通、一站式 (Turn-key)服務等
  • 除了低價以外,要在其它領域都超越競爭對手。因此要與客戶建立良好關係,取得跟客戶優先及最終採購洽談權(first and last look)。還有建立以市場行銷與服務為核心的組織文化,每位員工既是專業的工程師、會計師,也是銷售員 (sales person)
  • 公司以行銷、服務為中心,高管們還須具備企業家的能力
  • 把行銷當作最高任務 (first priority) 執行長所以能夠領比一般工程師高50倍的薪水,關鍵就在於認識市場,做好行銷創造的額外價值
  • 學習曲線:奇異前執行長傑克.威爾許 (Jack Welch)也信奉學習曲線的概念。他曾說過,如果底下的事業單位不能在 5 年內取得業界前一大或前二大,乾脆停止事業

Measurements :

  1. Regular independently-conducted customer surveys.
  2. Direct customer feedback and satisfactory handling of customer problems.
  3. Financial performance (particularly revenue growth and ROE).
  4. Share price.
  5. Market share (particularly as it relates to competitors).
  6. Financial & mass media reports.


  1. 定期由獨立第三方的客戶調查
  2. 直接面對客戶的回饋,並且處理問題至客戶滿意
  3. 注重財務表現 (尤其是營收增長、ROE 股東權益報酬率)
  4. 股價
  5. 市占率 (尤其是與競爭對手有關的部分)
  6. 財經媒體與大眾媒體的報導

I. Satisfying Customer Needs

What does the customer need? The following is a list that should cover the vast majority of needs, but each customer’s priority is often different:

  1. Technology that allows the customer to out compete, or at least be competitive with, his competitors.
  2. Flexibility in TSMC’s ability to respond to demand.
  3. Low price.
  4. Short cycle time from tapeout to finished production wafers.
  5. Quality & reliability.
  6. Design services to help customers to outcompete, or at least be competitive with, his competitors.
  7. Seamless communications with TSMC. (無縫溝通)
  8. Turn-key services.
  9. Protection of customer’s proprietary information. (culture)
  10. Instant efforts and solution of any problems that may crop up.(culture)
  11. Partnership attitude and behavior on TSMC’s part. (culture)

TSMC’s strategy is to be clearly superior to competitors in all above except (3), in order to earn a premium on (3).

A few more words about our pricing strategy:

  1. Our pricing strategy is to obtain a premium, but not lose the business.
  2. To execute this strategy successfully, it’s essential to have an excellent relationship with the customer. The benchmark of that relationship is to have the “first and last look” with the customer.
  3. We can be flexible in pricing with one-time-only “buffer” deals, but to be loyal to other customers, when a one-time “buffer” deal is offered to one customer, similar deals should be offered to his direct competitors in the same field.

II. Organizing To Be a Marketing & Service-Centered Company

  1. We must solidify an organizational culture in which every employee is a sales person for the company. He(she) of course is a professional engineer, accountant, supervisor, etc., but he (she) is at the same time a sales person for the company.
  2. Upper-level managers (j.g. 38 and higher) must be good businessmen in addition to being good salesmen and good professionals. If they are not, they should train themselves or be trained to be.

(第 3 點沒有被列出來)

4. A world-class corporate marketing department must be established. The responsibilities of this department ar broader than conventional and are listed as follows:

a. Determine technology road-map -jointly with R&D.

b. Recommend new services or technologies to be provided.

c. Search for new customers-jointly with Sales.

d. TSMC’s marketing strategies in different applications (graphics, chip-set, etc.), different fields (P.C., cellular phone, etc.), different geographical areas, and customers (in the same field or application).

e. Market & competitive information.

f. Tactical pricing moves.

g. TSMC brand recognition

h. In general, be the “chief-of-staff” to top management in sales & marketing.

(第 III、IV、V、VI 沒列出)

VII. Desired Quantitative Results. -These should be viewed as results of the successful execution of this strategy, rather than goals unto themselves:

  1. Sustainable return on equity (ROE) of higher than 20%
  2. Being the larger silicon foundry in the world, with a revenue lead over the next largest foundry of at least 2 to 1.
  3. Revenue of US$10B before the year 2010. (Actually 13B, 2010 )


  • 台積電的商業模式是以『客戶是誰』為定,不是『產品是什麼
  • 商業模式比策略更高一層,不過機會很難得,你必須是創始人(founder),才有辦法創造新的商業模式,或者就是從舊的商業模式創新。




Chao-Hsuan Ke

永遠熱愛自己的工作,總是找一堆事把自己的時間塞滿。喜歡接觸不同領域,像是 歷史、文化、金融和公共政策 等議題,期許著自己會什麼就分享什麼。