Quantum Consciousness: The Afterlife or The Cloud?


I would like to take the time before I start this article like I do most things I work on that involve the study or interest in the paranormal. I am very interested in this field and will always be pushing myself to study everything involved in it, but I am no expert on these subjects whatsoever. I am always going to push myself to learn and grow in this field, so this article is based on my understanding of the subject at this time. Anyone who has studied this field extensively or has a scientific background in this field feel free to message or comment me.

The Quantum Consciousness: have you ever heard of it? If you are interested in the field of quantum physics or the paranormal you may have, but the general public is rarely given a glimpse into this fascinating subject.

via Live Science

The Quantum Consciousness as I understand it comes from a theory proposed by theoretical physicist Roger Penrose and anaesthesiologist and psychologist Stuart Hameroff. In this theory, the two men came up with what is known as Orchestrated Objective Reduction, or Orch OR.

Their theory is that consciousness originates on a quantum level inside of neurons. The theory up until then had been that consciousness was a result of the connections between neurons. This process was theorized to take place within microtubules, polymers that form part of the cytoskeleton. There is a lot of very specific scientific terminology that a much smarter individual than myself could explain about this entire process, but the idea that consciousness is operating on a quantum level is what is essential here.

via Medical Xpress

So what does this have to do with the paranormal?

It is no secret that our body functions much like an organic machine, which uses the fuel we intake to produce energy. In essence, we are comprised of energy, and according to the laws of Thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another.

Therefore, for those who are seeking a way to find a scientific means of explaining ghosts, ghouls, and all things “supernatural”, the Quantum Consciousness theory could be the bridge that gives the paranormal a scientific face rather than one based solely on belief.

via The Daily Grail

The way I and other paranormal enthusiasts have come to look at this theory and the paranormal is to imagine the Quantum Consciousness as similar to the Cloud. Yes, this may seem silly, but for argument’s sake follow me here.

The Quantum Consciousness is like the Cloud, and our actual consciousness or energy are the files we store within the cloud. Our bodies are the hardware and the Quantum Consciousness is the digital (or cosmic in this case) software that allows us to store this information. If we are energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed, perhaps the light at the end of the tunnel is simply our energy transferring into the Cloud.

via New Scientist

Now we know based on this metaphor that files often get lost in the ether when we try uploading files into the Cloud. We also have seen those files get stolen or downloaded into another person’s account. If we look at this via the consciousness, perhaps a “ghost” is merely someone’s consciousness that never downloaded into the Quantum Consciousness.

This could also delve into so many different aspects of the paranormal. From astral projection and psychic phenomena to reincarnation and UFO abductions, all of this phenomena could tie into the larger Quantum Consciousness. With the working theory in recent years for UFO abductees seeing more evidence that a percentage of the abductees are experiencing this phenomenon mentally or within a dream-like state, perhaps higher lifeforms, whether they be Extraterrestrials or Ultra-terrestrials, have learned to use technology to access the Quantum Consciousness and bring people to them that way.

via Apex Pyramid
via Apex Pyramid

Of course, this is all conjecture and much more research is needed. I will leave the two links I found on this subject here and here. This theory is not without its skeptics obviously, and until I myself see some substantial evidence I cannot say for certain one way or another that this theory is correct. However, as someone who sees the afterlife and the paranormal as a science that has yet to be discovered, this theory is fascinating. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below and tell me some of your favorite theories for the afterlife and ghost activity.



Author Anthony Avina
Phenomenon The Paranormal Publication

Freelance writer, full-time blogger and aspiring full-time author who loves reading, writing, investigating the paranormal, and more.