DATA Snapshot: Incidents, Arrests, and Charges — June 2021
The chart below generated by the District Attorney’s Transparency Analytics (DATA) Lab highlights the number of reported incidents, arrests, and cases referred by the PPD and charged by the DAO for commercial burglaries, homicides, non-fatal shootings, and property offenses for June 2021. The first column indicates the number of incidents reported to PPD for each category. The second column indicates the number of incidents where PPD made arrests. The third column indicates the number of incidents where the District Attorney’s Office filed charges for arrests that were submitted to our office by the PPD. Our office files charges in almost all cases brought by police for which sufficient evidence exists. Check out this previous DATA Story to learn more about the Incident-Arrest-Charge Funnel, and bookmark our DATA Dashboard for the latest stats and research on Philly’s criminal justice system.