Good Philand Contest🏝 ◱ ◱ is happening now!

Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2023

Hi Philanders, Good Philand Contest🏝 ◱ ◱ is happening now!

Through this contest, we want to create ways for builders & artists to engage with Phi Land, not for Active Score, but for “beauty” as an art form. Our intention is to emphasize the importance of style, character, and visualization while creating our lands not only a collection of on-chain points and spent gas fees, so we introduce our community to the “Good Philand Contest”.

Contest Page:

Entry form:

Contest Schedule

Submission Period: 24 Feb 12:00 PM UTC ~ 10 Mar 12:00 PM UTC

Judging Period: 10 Mar 12:00 PM UTC ~ 17 Mar 12:00 PM UTC

Claim Period: 17 Mar 12:00 PM UTC ~ 31 Mar 12:00 PM UTC

■ Phase 1: Entry Submission

📆 Submissions Period:
24 Feb 12:00 pm UTC ~ 10 Mar 12:00 pm UTC

Contest Categories

There are 4 categories for the “Good Philand Contest”.

A) Single Land Design
B) Multiple Land Design with “Phi Connect”
C) Single Land Pixel Art Design
D) Multiple Land Pixel Art Design with “Phi Connect”

A) Single Land Design👷‍♂️

  • You must use only one land.
  • You can use all objects/ wallpapers/ baseplates of your choice.

Prize Object: Phi Architect

example of submissions for A) / prize object

B) Multiple Land Design with “Phi Connect”🔗

  • Must use 2+ lands with the “Phi Connect” feature.
  • 2+ lands ~ 64 lands.

Prize Object: Phi Connector

example of submissions for B) / prize object

C) Single Land Pixel Art Design👩‍🎨

  • Must use only one land.
  • You can use only “Color Blocks” & any colored “Tiles” to draw pixel art on Phi Land (

Prize Object: Phixel Artist

example of submissions for C) / prize object

D) Multiple Land Pixel Art Design with “Phi Connect”🧩

  • Must use 2+ lands and connect them with “Phi Connect”
  • You can use only “Color Blocks” & “Color Tiles” to draw pixel art on Phi Land (

Prize Object: Phuzzle Master

example of submissions for D) / prize object

The Top 5 submissions in each category will get rewarded with Special Objects & 10 $MATIC.

⚙️ Important components needed for participation;

  • For B & D (Multiple Land categories), you must use 2+ lands with the “Phi Connect” feature. Phi Connect is a feature that allows to connect multiple lands (Min:2 lands ~ Max: 64 lands) into a single worldview.
    For the details of Phi Connect, please read the docs:

Use this tool to connect your URL’s easily:

  • For C & D (Pixel Art categories), you can use only “Color Blocks” & “Tiles” to draw pixel art on Phi Land.

“Color Blocks” & “Tiles” are available for free in the Shop; 🟦 🟧 🟨 🟩 🟪

🌈 Color blocks:

🟨 Tiles:

👣 Participation Steps:

  1. Choose a category from A) ~ D), and design your land.
  2. Download or take a screenshot of your saved layout.
  3. Submit an entry form:
  4. Share your Philand/Phi Connect URL on Twitter or Lenster with #GoodPhiLandContest hashtag (optional).

Explore all submissions through the gallery 👀 :

Tips & Tricks ◱ ◱

  • Save your progress when gas is low or less volatile (e.g. 50–150 gwei. Refer to
  • Plan and separate your changes into multiple transactions to avoid your transaction failing (e.g. Clear all, Save, Add 10–20 items, Save, .. Repeat)
  • If you need, make use of ENS subdomains to create more lands!

■ Phase 2: Judging

Judging Period: 10 Mar 12:00 pm UTC ~ 17 Mar 12:00 pm UTC

All submissions will be judged by Phi Team & all “Active Rank Gold I-V Holder”.

Team Phi
Active Gold Rank Trophies

A voting form will be shared with members who have the “Gold Rankers” role in Discord to cast their votes.

For Gold Rankers, the voting period is 11 Mar 12:00 pm UTC ~ 14 Mar 12:00 pm UTC.

Please wait for the announcement in Discord for the additional details of the voting process.

👑 Rewards:

  • The top 5 submissions in each category will be rewarded with special objects and 10 $MATIC.
  • Each person may only win 1 prize per category.
  • For the Multiple Land categories (B & D), all ENS addresses included in the awarded URL will be able to claim the object.

■ Phase 3: Claim Rewards

Claiming Period: 17 Mar 12:00 pm UTC ~ 31 Mar 12:00 pm UTC

The Reward Objects will be claimable at the same time as we announce the winners. Once the claim period has ended, the rewards will no longer be claimable. If you win, don’t miss this period.

Must check the Notion page below for the details↓




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