9 types of ticket buyers you encounter at a conference

We at the Philippine Web Designers Organization meet a lot of colorful characters while we put together the Form Function & Class conference. This listicle reflects some of the challenges we’ve faced in organizing such a massive event, causing all sorts of reactions — from severe migraines to hearty laughs!

1. The Certificate Collector

Only cares about whether they get a certificate of attendance or not.

Originally posted by teenvogue

2. The Red Tape Vendor

Requires mountains of paperwork to clear the organizer before processing a purchase order, including but not limited to:

  • business permits,
  • tax registrations,
  • financial statements,
  • and a list of companies that have attended in the past
Originally posted by maths-and-books

3. The High Maintenance Client

  • Takes weeks before purchase order clears.
  • Will not deposit cheque payment themselves and expects you to pick it up; or will only provide a cheque on the day of the conference—but expects their slots to be reserved.
  • Asks to speak to someone else, hoping to change the rules.
Originally posted by sustainedbywings

4. The Spoonfed Diva

  • Asks questions that are already answered on the site.
  • Asks for ticket computations they can probably compute themselves.
  • Asks for a phone number so they can call to ask questions instead of writing them down.
Originally posted by tana-the-dreamchaser

5. The “Wais” Haggler

Asks for additional discounts on tickets, and if they can combine multiple promos together.

Originally posted by prettywigga

6. The Sponsor Maven

  • Negotiates for more complimentary tickets than the specified number in the sponsorship package.
  • Asks for email database of attendees.
Originally posted by 2009wasagoodyear

7. The Crammer

Finds out about the event after registration closes and asks if it’s still possible to attend.

Originally posted by ignitetheliight

8. The Namedropper

Requests special treatment by mentioning their company or organization.

Originally posted by eyeshalfclosed-toonesownsorrowss

9. The Conditional Volunteer

Asks if they can help out with the conference, but is only willing to appear on the day of the event.

Originally posted by gurl



Philippine Web Designers Organization
Philippine Web Designers Organization

Volunteer nonprofit that organizes #webdesign & #frontend conferences, meetups, workshops, & other initiatives for the community 💙💛❤️ pwdo.org