Form Function & Class 8 web design conference on September 16 at The Globe Tower, Taguig

Trends fade, Style is eternal: Form Function & Class conference celebrates the Web this September 2017

The pioneering web design conference in Asia returns for the 8th time on September 16, featuring a full day of learning from top names in the industry & developing camaraderie among colleagues.

Keeping up with what’s trendy seems to be all the rage these days, whether it’s a unicorn frappuccino or the Web. Remember when “Skeuomorphism” was hot—until it wasn’t, and “Flat Design” took over? Whenever we ask the community which topics they’d like to hear, one way or another the word “Trends” winds up on the list, often at the top.

We believe that learning design & development is much more than knowing this viral aesthetic or that buzzy framework. In organizing the Form Function & Class conference, it’s always been our priority to train for fundamentals & essentials, resilient to our constantly evolving industry.

We’re also inspired by what previous FFC speaker Brad Frost wrote: “The bidirectional & interactive nature of the web adds many more dimensions to what constitutes good design. Speed, screen size, environment, technological capabilities, form-factor, ergonomics, usability, accessibility, context, and user preferences must be considered if we want to create great work for this brave new digital world.”

At Form Function & Class, we aim to equip you with knowledge & techniques so you can create good design in all these different dimensions.


Hailing from the Philippines and the rest of the world, this year’s Form Function & Class conference speakers are top talents & trailblazers in their respective fields:

Russell Vergara

is the founder of Vgrafiks and will hold a plenary talk on Branding & Design Systems.

Aceler Chua

is a front-End Developer at Grayscale HK and will hold a plenary talk on Typography.

Hui Jing Chen

is a self-taught Front-End Developer from Singapore and will hold a plenary talk called Say No To Cookie Cutter Web Layouts.

Madhura Chavan

is UX Designer from Hong Kong and will hold a plenary talk on User Experience.

John Paul De Guzman

is Chief Creative of Rain Creative Lab and will hold a workshop on the Business of Design.

Angela Obias-Tuban & B Tuban

are founders of Priority Studios and will hold a workshop on Product Design.

Chris Lienert

is Engineering Manager at CXA Group Singapore and will hold a workshop on Javascript Applications.

Lindsey and Gab Madrid

are founders of The Color Cure and will hold a workshop on Web Animation.

FFC8 Speakers

How to Register

Visit to get tickets, which will give you:

  • access to the conference;
  • specially-designed shirt;
  • conference kit;
  • lunch, snacks, & drinks;
  • conference videos;
  • digital certificate;
  • networking & opportunities;
  • raffle prizes.

Registration closes on September 8. Online & offline payment options are available.

Special tickets & discounts to FFC8 include:

  • Company Ticket
  • Student Ticket
  • Community Discount
  • Group Discount
  • Visayas/Mindanao Discount
  • Loyalty Discount

This year, we’ve also introduced a Scholarship Ticket, where you can apply for a sponsored conference ticket thanks to our generous donors.

For more details, visit


We welcome any form of support, from monetary & in-kind sponsorships to media & community partnerships. You may download our packet for more information, and get in touch at

About the Conference

The name of our conference alludes to the 3 elements of a website: <form> from HTML, function() from JavaScript, .class from CSS. It also refers to 3 concepts central to the craft: form, function, and continuous learning.

FFC8 will be held on September 16, 2017 at The Globe Tower, Taguig. For a glimpse of what happens at the conference, you can read last year’s Event Report or watch videos on your YouTube channel.

About the Organizer

Form Function & Class is organized by the Philippine Web Designers Organization (PWDO), non-profit volunteer group that aims to uplift the state of web design in the country. Besides our flagship event, we also organize MiniFFC meetups, workshops, and roadshows.



Philippine Web Designers Organization
Philippine Web Designers Organization

Volunteer nonprofit that organizes #webdesign & #frontend conferences, meetups, workshops, & other initiatives for the community 💙💛❤️