Web Designers, Assemble!
The year is 2014. Becoming a web design rockstar, guru, ninja, or any other self-proclaimed title you want to call yourself seems easier than ever.
Between the flashy devices & operating systems, the incredible browser features, and the amazing tools & frameworks, doing our job these days must look as easy as having superpowers.
However, true design heroes know that real power lies in the intangible essentials of web design — from the fundamentals of design and typography, to semantic & optimized HTML/CSS/JS, to usability and accessibility.
True design heroes vigilantly watch the latest advancements & trends, and thoughtfully decide when it’s appropriate to use them.
They diligently improve on their skills, and are constantly in pursuit of the greater good of the users.
They fully understand that wielding such superpowers comes with a tremendous responsibility, and must not be abused.
This November 8, join us in celebrating our design superheroes — John Allsopp, Jina Bolton, Eric Clark Su, Sacha Greif just to name a few — at the fifth Form Function & Class, where we learn about their awesome adventures & best-kept secrets in building for the Web.
Whether you’re just starting to learn web design or are a veteran of the industry, you’ll want to make sure that your skills are up to speed and up to par. Are you doing web design right? Are you doing it well?
Are you making the Web a better place, or are you going to destroy it?
The power is in your hands.
Join the ranks of web design heroes at Form Function & Class 5! http://formfunctionclass.com