Why you should attend the Form Function & Class conference

We’ve set out to document people’s thoughts and feelings towards the Form Function & Class conference in its almost a decade of existence, and now we have these great videos which you can also watch on our YouTube channel. (Please do subscribe!)

Our thanks to all the outpouring of support we’ve gotten from the people who shared their time to be interviewed and record video for us! And props to our volunteer, James Evangelista, who shot and edited these.

The FFC Experience

It wasn’t as big as it was now but still it’s the first conference of its kind in Asia. Back then people were just starting to get into the idea of making sure that you knew what you were talking about and you knew what you were designing about, that you actually had numbers to inform your design. It was a big part of my career step.

Mark Lester C. Lacsamana, 2013 speaker

I was so amazed that there were 200 people there. I didn’t expect that. It was an interesting mix. It was a fun experience to share about things that you know in design and development.

John Paul De Guzman, 2011 & 2012 speaker

I’ve learned especially on perfomance and Atomic Design, which was really a great investment for me because it helped me be able to structure my code well, be able to cut my projects into reusable little pieces called web components which I use now.

Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat, PWDO member

I learned a lot especially on Atomic Design. It really introduced me into design systems and I really liked that. We had a lot of fun after the conference. You don’t get that experience unless you join and go to the Form Function & Class. The guys you meet in PWDO and the people you meet in FFC they are all very inspiring. Makes you realize that there’s so much things you need to learn in the world and especially in web design, and that itself is the value of FFC.

Ely Apao, UX Philippines founder

I learned about the speakers and as well as the attendees themselves. There are a lot of conversations that happen between all the attendees and that was the most fun part for me.

Camille Zapata, 2012 speaker

FFC was really a wonderful experience, its always was. It’s always about getting all these people and all this talent into one room. It’s a way to really connect with like minded people who are passionate about the same things as you are.

Rico Sta. Cruz, 2009, 2011, 2012 speaker

I enjoyed giving the workshop even if I sucked at it. I really learned a lot from the other speakers, from the other presentations, and the other talks.

Dan Matutina, 2011 speaker

I had such a lovely time at Form Function & Class in 2015. The organizers put together one of the greatest line-ups I’ve seen.

Rachel Nabors, 2015 speaker

I really enjoy attending FFC because I get to be surrounded by people from my industry. I think there’s something really special about being in a room full of people who understand exactly do. As a speaker my favorite part is getting to join on the panel; I love getting to hear what the audience thinks and what other things they want to know. I am so happy that I am able to share what I know with everyone.

Lindsey Grande, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017 speaker

My first FFC was in 2011; we had a workshop and we were asked to make a website based on a mythological creature of the Philippines. It was then that I realized the potential for web design as an interactive storytelling medium.

Gab Madrid, 2017 speaker

My experience with FFC was really great. The very first time I attended FFC was when I was a speaker in 2012; after that I volunteered and attended as well. It was a very great experience because I was able to interact and meet new people who share the same experiences as me.

Drei Alquiros, 2012 speaker

I attended my first FFC when I was still a student. Attending FFC allowed me to learn more about the web design industry, not just the industry but the community surrounding it. And because of FFC I’ve managed to listen to a lot of the established people in design, not only in the Philippines but from around the world. I’ve managed to apply everything I’ve learned on my side projects and also in my school works.

— John Lim, PWDO member

It features a lot of different speakers and then they get to communicate with those speakers as well as those in the community, the Philippine web community, so that they would be able to know what’s next to do in the Philippine web scene, what’s happening around the world when it comes to designing and developing HTML or web sites, as well as getting to know how to do things in a different way involving it in web design. I remember there was this talk before where it wasn’t just applied to web but it’s also learning about different kinds of cultures on how they create websites in different parts of the world.

Pierce Jonota, PWDO member

How FFC Started

One thing that people don’t know about Form Function & Class when we started it was truly volunteer-run, volunteer-organized, so I remember the team we were scrambling and really didn’t get to enjoy the first FFC because we were so busy, but at the same there was a sense of fullfillment that we were actually doing it! It was something that was a first for the country, the first event for and by web designers, people who are interested in UX and UI, so it was a big deal. It showed that when people get together and are focused on doing something especially for the industry, for web designers in the Philippnes and all over the world, it was great. The feedback, tremendous, positive feedback and support came after, which was cherry on top of that huge, delicious ice cream, which was really great because the experience was really memorable. The group is very dedicated and fueled by passion, we didn’t get paid anything. It’s really from the passion of the folks running it that made it happen.

It is one of the premier events in the Philippines and Asia, and it shows how far we’ve gone from the very first early days of web design to where we are and then where we want to go. It’s also a great way to network, to gain new partnerships andfriendships, and to be in a group of the same feather. It’s really not a question, just do it.

Regnard Raquedan, PWDO co-founder

We said: let’s have a web design conference. We didn’t know how we’d do that, but through our contacts, the power of the web, communicating online, one year after in July 2009 was the first Form Function & Class conference. Since then we’ve had about seven conferences and this year in 2017 we’ll be holding our 8th FFC. This has expanded to the Junior Form Function & Class conference which is open to students; we’ve also had a charity hackathon, and we’ve also had meetups, workshops, and roadshows.

Sophia Lucero, PWDO co-founder

The FFC Advantage

FFC is the first of its kind in Asia. I still think it’s the only one of its kind in the Philippines as well. It’s grown way bigger than what we’ve ever expected. I’ve been attending FFC since [2011] and I’ve seen it grow and I’ve seen the caliber of people talking grow as well. We are now grabbing people all over the world to actually share their experiences and it’s actually helping people elevate this community and changing the way this country thinks about design. I’ve built my career with the people I’ve met and the things I’ve learned from this conference—and I’m pretty sure you will too.

Mark Lester C. Lacsamana, 2013 speaker

It’s simple. There are great people who share their knowledge here. They are so committed in making sure that the word about the industry can be cascaded to everyone. It’s good to experience the community at large and to share your ideas with them. I think it’s the commitment of the people behind it that makes it more special.

John Paul De Guzman, 2011 & 2012 speaker

People should attend FFC because it opens you to other people’s knowledge that you otherwise wouldn’t have experienced yourself, so I think that’s a great thing for them to happen.

Camille Zapata, 2012 speaker

It’s not often that we have conferences that really focus on things like these—about the web, about mobile, and about user interfaces. The way FFC is, nothing else is like it, and I think you wouldn’t want to miss that experience.

Rico Sta. Cruz, 2009, 2011, 2012 speaker

It’s a place where you can meet like-minded people, learn from them, and be inspired in the work that they do. The good thing about FFC is it has its own community, a place where I’ve made friends, and a place where I really learned a lot.

Dan Matutina, 2011 speaker

We invite the best of the best local speakers in the country to talk about web design, and of course we fly in international speakers so that our Philippine community does not need to go to other countries just to see them talk and hear them.

— Kit Valmadrid, PWDO Community Manager

Why should you attend FFC?

There’s always a lot to learn at FFC, especially there are talks about the latest technology for web and interactive design. In FFC you can also have a glimpse into processes of industry leaders. You can learn something new, or have confirmation of what you already know.

— Gab Madrid, 2017 speaker

You should attend FFC so that you will be able to interact with new people, make new friends, grow your network, and at the same time be exposed to the different tech communities that are out there.

— Drei Alquiros, 2012 speaker

People should attend FFC not just because they want to learn or about the concepts of design, but also because they want to know what others can offer to you. It’s more like a community in one place and because of that you get to learn more not just about theoretical things or things you find in books, but you also get to learn more about the experiences of other web designers in the Philippines and from other countries.

— John Lim, PWDO member

I believe any kind of person, from different kinds of industries—like you could be from marketing, you could be from the tech industry, the arts or design industry—you’ll still be able to know how to do different kinds of things especially when it comes to web design. There’s UX, designing, developing; there’s also something related to tech, even sometimes business. It’s really getting to update ourselves and utilizing those knowledge and information, and how we will be doing it in the next few years.

— Pierce Jonota, PWDO member

You’re Invited!

You should go to the Form Function & Class conference in Manila. It’s an absolutely fun conference run by terrific, amazing, beautiful, and wonderful people. The entire community was so warm and welcoming, and I learned a ton from all the other speakers. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough, so make sure you get there.

Brad Frost, 2015 speaker



Philippine Web Designers Organization
Philippine Web Designers Organization

Volunteer nonprofit that organizes #webdesign & #frontend conferences, meetups, workshops, & other initiatives for the community 💙💛❤️ pwdo.org