the day before day one

Clifford Conrad
Philippines-Year One
1 min readSep 2, 2014

Prep’d and ready to leave for a new world. Where I expected some sort of pre-traumatic transition time I’m finding more a calm (maybe numb) and humbling hope that what waits for me is opportunity. Opportunity to love, change, grow and learn and somehow to make a difference in lives in such great need. Yet there is a real fear that what waits in me won’t meet the challenge. I think that apart from Jesus it never could.

I have a feeling that as of now my understanding of His strength in my weakness is little more than elementary and that the real knowing of it waits for me in the time to come.

I think I’m about to find out what I’m made of, or hopefully, more appropriately, what He’s made of.

More than ever I feel that I need Jesus.

