Holiday Hacks: Parties

Phillip Zannini
No Guilt Fitness
Published in
3 min readDec 16, 2016

Everyone likes to celebrate at this time of year, and understandably as it has a particular combination of religious importance for the a large part of the faith community — as well as the celebration that everyone embraces the new year.

Having said that, just because we celebrate, it doesn’t mean we have to undo all the hard work we’ve done through the year — or dig ourself a big hole to work out of. With that in mind — here’s the holiday hack for parties

Hack One: Exercise First

That’s right, before you go out to that party where you’re going to eat more than your typical day of food, hit a great workout. The key will be intensity!

No jogging here — a great, full Body high intensity workout is what’s on the agenda. Do a HIIT workout, or a super set workout, or a ladder workout (don’t have anything like that? You can get some here:

Don’t have time for a longer workout? Then do a short one like this

No Guilt Thanksgiving Day Challenge

The key for the workouts is to use big muscles (legs, chest, back) and to be intense!

Hack 2: Drink Water 15–20 Minutes before You Arrive

Yup — a big ole glass of water, 16–20 oz.

Why? It gives you a feeling of being full that’s why!

Hack 3: Eat Protein

You can do this hack while you’re at home so you feel a bit fuller before you get to the party… but who really wants to do that.


If you know the party won’t have any protein there — then eat 4 ounces of lean protein before you go.

Want to eat at the party?

Have your glass of water 15–20 minutes before you go, and when you get to the party, eat something with protein first. THEN wait 15 minutes before you go get more food.

Will it require some discipline? Sure, but you’ll be happy.

Oh — and feel free to eat the carrots, celery and green peppers on the veggie platter too.

Hack 4: Stay away from (or minimize) the booze baby.

Yes, that includes even beer and wine. Of course, we want to go to the party and have a good time, so if you’re not a tea totaler, then by all means please imbibe.

However; set a limit of one glass of wine or beer while you’re at the party. Sure, I know in your former life you used to knock back several — but in your former life you weren’t also focused on becoming a fit warrior!

Hack 5: Intermittent Fast before the party.

Why? Because you’re essentially saving all your energy intake for the party. I think a better hack here might be to go very ketogenic in how you start your day.

Breakfast: 2 eggs

Lunch: 4–6 ounces of ham, turkey or chicken.

Completely IGNORE carbs until you get to the party (and I even ignore them then, except for the desert. Then when you have desert? Have a half portion.

It’s a wrap

Of course, all of these hacks are completely up to you. You’re a big boy or girl, so choose the hacks that work for you. Be sure you let me know which ones you like best!



Phillip Zannini
No Guilt Fitness

Husband of 1, dad of 5+1, Speaker. Jesus Freak, Certified Personal Trainer & Weight Management Specialist. I'm here to help you live better :-D