Why Rich Kids Lack the Virtues of the Poor

Carlos Alexander Guillen V
Philosophers Realm
Published in
8 min readJul 17, 2024


The wealthy will never experience our pain, which makes us far more superior

Alexander The Great speaking to Diogenes the Cynic

Recently, I had a conversation with a colleague of mine. Upon conversation, the topic of our future arose. We pondered extensively on what we wanted to improve in ourselves. I wasn’t surprised by his quick response. He exclaimed that all he wanted was luxury (clothes, networking, mansions). Now, my colleague has always been a man of envy. Since we met, he has been throwing tantrums about all the sports cars and luxury brands he adores. On certain occasions, he would compare his clothes to mine. Whether it was for validation or a deep stem of insecurity is unknown. But, his overall persona is the pinnacle of consumerist ideology.

He continuously rambled on about the privileges that rich kids possess. While others gained more from doing nothing, he was forced to work tireless hours. This statement made me freeze for a few seconds. After careful examination, an idea came to mind. I briefly replied to his initial comment, telling him how earning your position is much more fulfilling. Hesitantly, my opinion was received positively. With the discussion ending, we quickly parted ways for the day.

It’s probable that he smirked and walked along his day. While I walked back home, I couldn’t resist, but to slow down and carefully composed my argument.



Carlos Alexander Guillen V
Philosophers Realm

17 Philosophy, literature, politics, and occasional randomness