Thomas Merton on Contentment, Love, and Happiness

Zane Fleming
Philosopher’s Spotlight
6 min readMar 27, 2021



Welcome to the Philosopher’s Spotlight. Every so often, I take a look at a philosopher that shaped his or her life with profound words and deeds, and impacted the lives of those around them in a meaningful way. I love drinking in proverbs, wisdom literature, and insights or different ways of living that can help us all live better, find peace and love more.


Thomas Merton is rapidly becoming one of my favorite people and most endearing friends. You know, those authors or professors or scientists or musicians that have long since passed away, but who connect with you instantaneously through their writing or achievements. Am I the only one here who does that?

Anyway, onto the man of the hour. Thomas Merton was an American Trappist monk, writer, theologian, mystic, poet, social activist, and scholar of comparative religion who lived from 1915 until 1968.

Merton’s mother died when he was six, and his father was often absent from his life, as a traveling artist. Merton lived for some time with his grandparents, then moved to France with his father when he was 11, and then to England while also spending some time in Rome, before returning back to the United States. Growing up, Merton was an agnostic and “…did not believe in anything.” However, this slowly eroded away over time…



Zane Fleming
Philosopher’s Spotlight

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