A selected few…

Why people prefer expensive cars? Why do they buy huge houses? One argument is that they can afford to pay for these extra comforts. But mostly these are showpieces of their perceived status.

Everyone wants to be seen as successful. And success is normally measured by the way we dress, the car we drive and the house we live. These are the visible signs of success.

People are very judgemental about the appearance. A successful person may not even get the deserved attention without this expensive symbols. The premium we pay for these expensive gifts we buy ourselves gets us the aura of exclusivity.

If you going to a conference as a speaker or visiting a client for a deal, dress well. After all no one wants to listen to/buy from a person who appears to be a loser.

PS: If you are in a familiar environment, or you are very familiar(like Warren Buffet or Steve Jobs) this rule doesn’t apply. People here value YOU more than any of the expensive ones you wear :-)

