All for one

I started off my startup journey in 2004. I knew I was joining a team of highly talented individuals as I had worked with them before. We all thought success was easy but oh boy, how wrong we were. It took another 10 years for us to build a pretty successful business.

If there is one thing that I learnt from those failures is that however good the ideas are, however good the individuals are, without a great team we can’t be successful. But isn’t it that good individuals make a good team? Yes and No.

We need people who can take care of others in the team like brothers and sisters. We need people who will stand up for the other person when there is a problem. We need people who understand that everyone makes mistakes and forget, forgive and move forward.

And we were lucky to have them on our team. Every difficulty brought us together. The more we failed the more we believed that we would be successful. Every time we fell down we stood up, shrugged off and raced forward. And we were very lucky to have an amazing captain who sailed us through the hard winds.

And here we are…

