How we are fooled by history

There is a saying “Winners write the history”. And that’s the history we know of. All our inferences are from that oral/written history. And most of the time, we are listening to the wrong narration. The narration of the winners. The losers are victimised as evil. All our pride, identity and legacy hinges on this narration and we strongly believe in that flawed narration without questioning the authenticity of it.

Many times historical events transcend the realm of the past and start influencing the humanity as religion and god. That’s when it gets more dangerous. Our moral compass is set around a twisted set of facts and people are ready to fight and die for it.

Our core beliefs are not based on facts but on narration. We can’t fight this narration but we should be aware of this. Question the intent of everything that we follow.

Let history not fool us.

