I bought a prison

I recently bought an apartment in a huge gated community. High on comforts, cosy environment and also well protected. Only after moving in, I realised that I was isolating myself and my family from the society around me and imprisoning myself in the cocoon of comfort.

But where does this lead to? When more and more people form these enclaves, we are creating a stronger divide between the rich and the poor. Rich create these prisons, outside of where the whole world exists. These gated communities follow their own rules and these enclaves take segregation to an all new level. The more we alienate the poor, the more oppressed they feel and it can lead to social upheaval.

The children who grow up in gated communities like mine or rich neighbourhoods are masked away from the realities and that sets a dangerous precedence. They may not be able to even empathize with the outside world, and when they grow up, they can futher the divide between the rich and the poor.

All this will lead to a dysfunctional society with marginilized poor and sheltered rich which is the perfect receipe for revolution.

I don’t have an answer. I’m happy about the prison but confused about the consequence.

