Rule breakers

It’s a known fact that we Indians disregard rules. We don’t follow lanes. We skip traffic signals. We skip queues. We are ready to bribe to get something done faster.

Why is that? Why as a society don’t we value order and embrace chaos? We are a country with huge population. With a huge population, survival becomes difficult. We need to fight for pretty much all the basic needs and right from the childhood, we are taught to compete. taught to win. Everything is seen as a competition. It could be primary school admission or getting into a good college or getting a decent job or even getting a right bride/groom. If we are in such a competitive environment for the majority of your early life then we develop a sense of urgency. Patience is a lost virtue.

When we wake up every day, we are tuned to run. we are tuned to compete. Even if we don’t have a defined goal, everything is urgent for us.We can’t wait for the signal. We want to move fast and we skip lanes. We want to be the first to leave the signal. We see everyone in the society as our competitor. We are always in a hurry.

Rules are a great impediment in this fast lane. Rules bring in order and when we prefer chaos over order, rules become irrelevant. No wonder we are rule breakers.

