Why we Indians are good in Maths?

I always wonder why we are naturally good at maths. These are normal people who we meet in our everyday lives. The toll collector, the supermarket sales girl, the roadside vegetable vendor and everyone in between. They are no math wiz-kids but the speed in which they do mental math is amazing.
It took some time for me to figure it out. We are good at maths because of our Indian roads :-)

In my normal(not busy) trip to the office, I encounter at-least a few thousand cars and bikes. I need to handle the buses that swerve left and right all the time, the autos that ride in 5 dimensions and other vehicles you normally won’t see in any other part of the world. The roads themselves add to the excitement with numerous potholes and diversions. When I switch on my car engine in the morning, I am also waking up the supercomputer in my head that needs to continuously calculate all the available angles for me to ride my car and show me the unseen path to office.

So every second, I need to analyse thousands of moving/non moving objects around my car, their possible path, the geometrical angle of approach towards the intersection, the exceptions that happen all the time(oxymoron?) and also calmly listen to the Audible in my car. My brain is continuously working with hundreds of different variables and the calculations are so precise and effortless that I can drive to the office and get back home without a single scratch in my car and without losing my mind.

Our Indian brains are continuously trained to work with hundreds of variables and western mathematics is not even scratching the surface of what we are capable of. Others in the world utilize only 10% of their brain while we are using around 20% every day. We have more neurons firing in our brain to tackle all the challenges we face in our everyday commute.

So, If you want to be good at Maths, drive on Indian roads. :-)

