amid calls + driving — my cognitive designs are @ their rawest. then — quickly — i make them into a Reality!

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

i like the way change sounds in a pocket.
(and) the way a fire smells in a home.

i’m gonna start dressing up 4 crime shows @ night with ríkœ,
and start dressing down 4 funerals.

is Ritual — REALLY — Effective?

i love that cats crave 4 fish.
they’re Piscean.
mystical. mysterious. mischievous. flighty.

i’ve stopped Reading.
writers, nowadays, don’t say anything.
~ so i just listen 2 natural sounds- they give me Illuminating Ideas.

i like when Conversation has Rhythm.

i love looking 2 see who the owner of those luxury cars.
they’re so serious about their ride.
their mobile Image.

i want Simple Opportunities 2 find me
where i swim ⅋ swerve 2 / so
i can be a nice guy.

i wanna be a rugged ‘n robust Sr.
i want 2 throw dope parties in our retirement community.
i want the hibernating bears 2 call the authorities.
we’ll laugh- ⅋ give ‘em bear hugs till the moon sets.

does: GOVERNMENT, help or hinder humanity?

i’m stubborn. i won’t stay the same.

is suicide: a beautiful way 2 DIE?

the snow, nor ice, is cold. people are.

if IT wasn’t socially odd, i’d kiss people instead of “Hello’s”.

life would be dark ⅋ nothing as the only soul on the face of the world.
but with you ⅋ me, it would be majestic ⅋ magickal.

if i was selected 2 be in Charge.
i would pay people 2 learn,
⅋ 2 love. ⅋ 2 be softened, sweet, n selfless.

what has caused all the evil?
— a surplus of power.

what has percolated all the bad?
— a deficiency in power.

but what has created Beauty?
— a moderation of Power. a conscious ⅋ kind use of It.

i like saying goodbye to others.
i’m a good guy.
people aren’t acknowledged enough.

people project insecurities onto me like old movies.
i let them in2 me; i laugh — solitarily, with jaunty jest.

people make fun,
because — 1 — they are no fun,
because— 2 — they hate what’s within their bodies.
that’s why i never mock . another . man.

give me five minutes with anyone,
⅋ i’ll know them — fully.

i don’t get mad @ anyone.
i don’t get mad @ myself.
i think i’m being & becoming holy.

i think people are @ their truest @ sporting events.
…⅋ in domestic disagreements.— ⅋ in daydreams. — ⅋ with dollars.

i’m not vanilla. i’m white chocolate¡

we remind our neighbors about their atrocities, not their achievements.

performance is all psychological ⅋ plastic.

4 the past few months, the wallpaper in each hallway has been TELLING me
‘boi — you rockin’’
i blush in a rose shade,
do my 1–2 step,
⅋ stroke its patterns in divine appreciation. .

my eyes are AquaMarine. i’m Amphibian.

i like jewelry. tat-2’s. + earrings — they’re in a threesome with me.

injuries in sports are unavoidable.
but in life, that’s debatable.

beat Greatness with Creativity.

i Think a lot.
i Think i might
Think with every Breathe.
i’m Utterly Un-Buddhist.

a lot of Times,
i can’t Control The Passion in my Affection.

he sing— ‘what’s normal anyways¿’

the absence of individuals is a chance 2 bring out better things in you —
they’re spiritual challenges.

the weak become anxious ever more easily.

when i smile, i wonder — Did I do it right?
when i hug, i want her 2 really like…

we’re most grotesque in RELATIONSHIP

i bleach my hair every five days.
i’m getting good @ it.
come 2 my altar
upon sunrise next sunday
i’ll cleanse you
you’ll become sinless under crisp snowfall ⅋ white angels.

i now believe only certain persons can
Change- depending on where the Stars were when they were birthed into
Existence- is shuttering, Fascinating, ⅋ really
Fantastic- Parents are not.
even good with kids.

’you think Spirits are behind every Storm?

we touch what we’re alike 2
i’m never touched.
i think i might B a 21st century, american
this Emptiness is beComing combustible?
am i another arrogant apocalyptic unlovable?

every female i’ve fucked with
( — i’ve loved with — )
has been fatherless.
does this make me a daddy? does this make me a sexual savior?
a twisted therapist? what does this say about my intentions?
.un-innocent or heroic /// black + advantageous or pure + sacrificing.

how does th universe work in three WORDS?
thoughts. become. things.

i could sit in cool C’s of flowery sheets
with my ríkardœ-bad-bro
⅋ writes lines- 4 many sun-n-Moon rotations.

school is a prisoner. you graduate 2
work. well, what is that?

my studying is schizophrenic.
all these lines are ORIGINAL.

being ‘depressed’ is about your

the most loving thing you can do 4 a loved one
is something dirty — like the litter.

why can cats love unconditionally?
but humans can’t? — ür love seems TO need TO B
complicated ⅋ catastrophic.

i have a Fetish 4 Alliteration.

all Parents, deny or acknowledge,
(which makes it truer or just as is)
that their Kids are ruining or ruined their lives.
many kidz ruin Marriages, too.
but… We can’t Blame The Children.

My Kitty — Ríkardœ — has got me back into Books.
…4 They Were Too Lonely Before.

with Choices — or: Options — or: LeeWay — Temptation is Not.

this House creaks of DisAppointment ⅋ Stagnation.

Why don’t We put a Request in
To All Speak The Same Language —
Just Each Person Comes Up w/ Their Own Accent.

Resentment Rises Rapidly.
{in me.} it leaves, soon — though — too.

i like falling in love on the 1st date.

i’m $o creative ⅋ avant-garde, i should be famous.
but i’m social ⅋ unpopular.

i find frustrating seconds,
funny.- We Worry about People because of Guilty-

i hate WOMEN who R FORCEFUL —
my mom was.
i love Men who R —
i am.
my mom’s a bitch.
but i chose to have her.
i’m deeply Spiritual.

shoveling snowflakes is productive and peaceful.

ALL Bad Behavior is an Impulse.

the more i alter my appearance — A-R-T —
i get reminders 2 B a GOBLIN.

the saddest thing is seeing sights of the deceased as a child — unaware of
death, decay, ⅋ Oblivion.

mom’s carry too much shit
kids! carry your coat.
kids need responsibility.

I Like Environments where I’m Expected 2 Enlargen My Ego.

If i was a Misses, I would Marry an Ugly Dude, with No Money, just 2 Piss of His Friends ⅋ CoWorkers.

i either make people Energetic or UnEasy.

everything is a Game. especially between boys ⅋ girls.

no Gym Rats have Other Interests, Other Talents

girls are cliquey. boys are silly.
women stay the same — but get lonely.
men become big boys. that’s it.

i wanna chat — just causally ⅋ frequently —
with someone who smiles while we exchange flirtations.

guys will do anything 4 40 girls 2 look at him.
girls will do everything 4 guys to look away, but anything 2 look in2 her.
i want a grown girl to realize i do that.
that i’ll absolve all her dubious gaps and captive fears
4 Free.

the coolest thing a Man can create is a
Cocky Smile. A Growing Grin. A Luxury Laugh.

look around. i look around. i’m above. i’m below. double-entendre —

are all alone, old men, creepy?

i know how you feel about the Totality of You
by eyes — straight.
eyes — dart.
by the stride of your gait.

do you use mirrors 2 curb, 2 persuade, yourself, you’re not ugly.
or 4 self-Affirming N such.

a guy’s nervous ⅋ comically unsure when he fidgets in
convo with Cute Chick.
i’ll snap my fingers for him.
(the masculine men,
who anger @ her attention,
are too cool and pitiful 2 say Hi.)

people try 2 tell me what 2 do with their avoidance ⅋ passive-texting.
some — legit, will throw their opinion ⅋ prejudice ⅋ closed perspective ⅋ cold prescription — @ me without solicitation.
spiritual murder — killing my willing.
fuck. ü.

a female will do all sorts of things 4 a man with money. they’re $o $hallow.
men are too. money is their eternal and existential motive.

i tilt my head when people talk in2 me.
it’s an innocuous tactic, (my heart employs).

AnyThing that You possess that is “Bigger” — you can’t be Secure about.

Many Men have this Air
but, They have NOTHING, or Not mUch, 2 back it up with.

i don’t enjoy staying @ places too long.

it makes me feel trapped.
my imagination escapes. my body plays follow-the-leader, thereafter.

i’m pondering a gold plated cane so i can dance while i strut.

every girl i’ve been with — ⅋ the few women, too — have become enraptured in cupid 4 me.
i guess i’m super. i gotta cop a cape —
just debating what pattern would be plush.

what does a woman do if she ends down horribly motherless?
does she wallow in purposeless passivity?

i used 2 get upset…
now i’m working -wondrously- on just becoming baffled
@ people who call other people evil?
do you have an opinion on this? or any other random pondering.

i like squabbling.




𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑
Philosophies, Psychologies, Poetries, Spiritualities ------ poet • artist • creator • performer • spiritualist • visionary • writer • philosopher • mystic • questioner • free thinker • free spirit