we’re at an edge…?
a precipice, 2nd winds and Equinoctial twilights —
not really?

i’ve battered my own hope reserves…
sleep keeps calling behind all special numbers.,

i’m a shaky child in the corner
lights blasting
magick summoned

tha childz knowz everythingz
unconditional joy cures everythaang
disproportional requires naught explanation

we say hi — “they” know
we say bye and we’re bluffin’
where wuld we really go?

where are such downloads? such things in knowledge.
speak to me, speak to me, speak to me

you think you create the waves, but i do
i’m way over this, there’s a way thru
we dance to the dark and for her sidekick
what shall be seen amplifies…

all that hurts is just a front
hope is one of thee greatest virtues

codependency starts (sometimes( w/ a newborn
slamming breaks on what was happening



𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑
Philosophies, Psychologies, Poetries, Spiritualities

brevenbell.com ------ poet • artist • creator • performer • spiritualist • visionary • writer • philosopher • mystic • questioner • free thinker • free spirit