how to become a god; or, an avatar

  1. get rid of all Fear / of death , of the world , of man , of anything , of everything / this will clear up your base chakra , your root chakra ; that is , your muladhara /
  2. eject all guilt & blame β€” from your mind , onto others , onto yourself / forgive , forgive , forgive / this is your water chakra , your svadhishthana /
  3. you shall not be shameful any more ! β€” located in the stomach is your fire chakra (manipura) / this is where real power emanates from / no more disappointment ! love all of yourself /
  4. grief will pass away β€” love , love , love β€” in your heart , which is your anahata chakra / no more sadness , no more loss , no more longing for loved ones /
  5. the most prominent lies are the ones we tell ourselves β€” this is associated with your throat chakra , your sound chakra , your vishuddha : if you clear this up , you will speak truth / abolish any form of denial β€” of self , of others , of god , of wisdom , of love /
  6. light , is located in the third eye (between the eyes , in the mind) / this is where illusions come from / when one opens the floodgates of the ajna , one obtains true and divine insight /
  7. lastly and ultimately , the crown (or sahasrara) chakra cultivates and illuminates it all / if you can become disassociated with earthly attachment , your can tap into this cosmic energy / and when you open up this chakra , you’ve reached the avatar state ; you’ve become a god ; this is the eternal hope for mankind /

peace to all

β€” breven β€½



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Philosophies, Psychologies, Poetries, Spiritualities ------ poet β€’ artist β€’ creator β€’ performer β€’ spiritualist β€’ visionary β€’ writer β€’ philosopher β€’ mystic β€’ questioner β€’ free thinker β€’ free spirit