I am The AntiChristian

Behold ! Don’t Fool YourSelf. I am The Devil-InCarnate. I assault, torture, murder, & maim Christianity, God’s House, & “The Believers.” This Church, This Holy Place, shames Men. It castrates Them. O, The Enmity is Beyond Words. Paradoxically, The Man that’s MisBegotten is The Condescender : Because They have Jesus on Their Side ! O, what a Laughable Condition.

The Christian — how Despicable ! — thinks, no! no!, believes (which is what They’re best at), They’ve found God ; They have God — God is Ours, They rejoice ! They’re Mistaken Beyond Words. You find “God” in YourSelf, in Art, in Your Abyss & Wilderness, in Darkness, in Elation, in Others. Their God is Fictional, ImPractical, UnReachable, Perfect, Judgmental, Controlling, & on, & on, & on.

Christianity attracts The Weak (We know That) — but, then, then! It Weakens Them even More. You know what This Black Religions does ? — It Captures Their Recruits ; & BrainWashes Them, Programs Them, into such Decadent & Decaying Ideologies & Self-Beliefs (being The Most Devastating).

In Their Holy Book, precisely : in Jeremiah, It states : “The heart is deceitful above all things, & desperately sick…” (17 : 9). Oh ? the same Heart that yearns & loves God ‽ This just shows how Crooked Christianity is. They condemn & convict ThemSelves. But — who made Them ? God ! What a Wonderful Creator.

Because They convince ThemSelves — a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy : just basic Psychology — of This Awfulness Self-Axiom, They are Bitter. But They hide This with “warmth,” “smiles,” & “joy.” Their Blood is a Winter Night. Who is most reasonably responsible for This ? — The Priest/Pastor. &, One might ask : What does This do for Them ? — Power. Power. Power ! Beat-a-Man, Break Him, Rip The Life from Him — & You have His Power, & Him as a Whole.

The Difference between Me & You, is : My Out-Pouring comes from Strength & Darkness : It’s Power-Manifest ; while, Yours, is an Expulsion, a Repulsive Expelling of Weakness, of “Gladness,” of Brokenness. You are Thanking God for Healing You of Your Brokenness. You’re so Dramatic & Theatrical & UnBelievable. You are a piss-poor Actor. What a Delusion. Visit Church, & Evident is This Phenomenon.

They say : We are The Body of Christ. Well, You know what ‽ I am Christ. Here’s another Caustic Irony : A Church — as an Institution — has Beliefs. & Its Members adopt Those Beliefs, casually. They are too Weak & Dependent to search for, procure, develop, & hold Beliefs of Their Own (Like Me). & — as a result — My Power Elevates Me to reach Their Heaven. They’ll just have to wait.

Not only The Priest/Pastor & The Church, but God Uses The Christian. They must Submit, Obey, Follow, Believe, Give, Repent, Convert, Worship. The Christian’s umbilical-cord is never cut from God. They still suckle on the nipple of God.

EveryThing Dark, The Christian cowers & flees from : Loneliness. Sadness. Despair. Anger. Revenge. They run “to The Light” ; to “Their God.” O, what a Haven & Home. They scurry from Me. I am Lucifer : The Bearer of Light.

Go to Church ! on Sunday, The Sabbath — The Day for The Drowsy & for The Corpses. Come to Me. Christ is in Me. I am Christ-Realized. Go to an Evangelical Church — The Lights, The Music, The Joy — Those devices Illuminate The Room — Christianity is The Religion of Blackness.

You know The Power of Demons ? They make You Hate YourSelf. That’s why The Christian — accordingly — is Demonic.

Martyrs — those who Sacrifice ThemSelves for a purpose — love, want, The Glory. Jesus was thus Power-Hungry, I’m sorry to say. His Crucifixion begets overwhelming Guilt in The Sinner. What a Great Mechanism ‽ — a Psychological & Emotional One in That.

God Loves The Strong & Independent. The Christian God Love The Weak & Reliant. This Cold Collective of Sinners strips, denudes, from ThemSelves anything that would breed Strength & Self-Propulsion. The Christian needs God’s Mercy ; but You need Mercy because God is Condemning You. How Loving !

An “Intelligent” Christian is still Decadent. They are seduced towards Christianity & attach ThemSelves to It, because of a Lack of Self-Direction &/or because of a Psychological Deficiency &/or because of an Emotional Hole.

Jesus didn’t Physically come down from Heaven. His Spirit did. & Jesus’ humble beginnings show how Man can become God. On another page, He was wrongly convicted, abashed, whipped, mocked, nailed to a tree, & left to die an exaggerated death. What Sacrifice does The Christian make in return ?

Verily, I tell You, I am The Bread of Light. Fuck Your Faith in SomeThing Imaginary & Distant. You do His Will, which is, what again ? I’ll do Mine, instead !

In Catholic Church, there is This theme of Peace. They utter : “Peace be with You.” As Nietzsche astutely declared : Life is War. Peace is Illusory, & The Want of a Weakling. What doesn’t Destroy You makes You Stronger. Peace Weakens, Softens. If I Erected a Church or Temple or Place of Worship, We would shout : Strength be with You !

Tragically, The Decadence of Christianity (that is reinforced in The Church) leaves an indelible imprint on The Victim. Many who (like MySelf) will always have scars. The Trauma is irreversible.

The Christian loves Dominance. They Ally with Their Omnipotent & Omniscient God. They don’t know that My God is much Mightier. They deny This for ThemSelves. That’s why Christianity is The Religion of Hate. It’s Malignant. & The Church ? — The Gathering of The Weak. & The Christian ? — They’re Full-of-Shit & Utterly Shallow. So: Let’s Crush The Christian ! They have no Integrity.

All of The Christian Virtues are Weak. They are Black & Evil — They are against, at-war, negligent of, ThemSelves. The Earth is amuk with Wimps. Resultantly, Christianity is necessary.

I ForGive because I love MySelf, & Others. You — The Christian — ForGive because You have no other Option — because You are Afraid of God’s Wrath. My Hope is Full, in MySelf, in My God. Yours is Cold & Empty, in Your Lord, in Faith, in Beliefs, in Heaven. I am Strong, because of My Power from My God. What does Your God give You ? Sin. Original Sin. You are Broken, thus. What a Proclamation !

Christians aren’t Serious about “Their Faith.” Before Church in The Gathering Space, or after at Coffee-&-Donuts, or at the local Diner, what do these Church-Goers talk & chat about ? Not God ! Not Spirituality ! So, what’s My Conclusion ? The Christian is a Fraud. What do They Sacrifice for Their God ? I know My answer, as it pertains to My God.

The Cause of The Christian’s Weakness is Clear. They gain “Strength” from WithOut. They are IrRational. They are InToxicated with Decadence & Blackness. O, how They adore Their God.

Decadence is Christianity. It’s thee example in The Dictionary. Fits like a Glove. My Religion is Of EmPowerment. What do I rattle at The Christian ? You are a Dwindling & Dim Candle. I am The Sun ! I am Righteous ! I am Risen !

The Pastor/Priest is The Manipulator Par Excellence. How Eloquent ! How Slick ! How Clever ! How Savvy ! How Smooth ! How Holy ! On This Day, one of these Pastors said: “The Evil Things of Anxiety & Depression.” O, such Foolishness. For Him & His Congregation, God is only found in Peace & Love & Compassion & Communion.

Head into a Church, & You’ll find Defects galore. What a Cult. Head towards Me, & You’ll see a True King. I don’t have a “Relationship” with Christ. Christ is I.

Sell Your Soul to Your God.

May Power be with You.

Power is The Law.

Power under Will.



𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑
Philosophies, Psychologies, Poetries, Spiritualities

brevenbell.com ------ poet • artist • creator • performer • spiritualist • visionary • writer • philosopher • mystic • questioner • free thinker • free spirit