THESE AREN’T (entirely) MY THOUGHTS — i just wrote 67% of this in the first-person…

we all hunger for the same things.

i’m battling
with what’s weaker
blame? or guilt?

all turmoil in relationship
begins. continues. ⅋ ceases.
when one aspires To oVerpower or leVerage.

as i analyze and weigh these human actions,
i’m intuiting that we’re all cunning and sadistic:
power’s the fuel as well as the ammunition —
Ego’s the vehicle.

i think i’m greek. i have a thing for The Tragic.

people are bitchy ⅋ brash on the roads
cars have character; rarely integrity; uncommonly consideration.

i have a love affair with #s
i have faith in them.

children are our only hope.
they don’t see the world as grim; people neither.

but she sings: ‘hope is a dangerous thing’

shame ⅋ vanity are the new virtues.

should the feminine be aggressive?

in a relationship — the woman can’t be stronger than the man. the man can’t be more beautiful than the woman. ⅋ — this isn’t strictly about gender.

eyes can’t lie — so, look into them, see what’s within, hear what’s behind.

what if we loved the uncontrollable,
wouldn’t that be beautifully courageous?

is contentment only possible with —
the self?

wisdom starts ⅋ unends with just:
questions. oceanic considerations.

is anyone out there: beautiful AND bright?

anyone can engage in combat.
but only the strong can voluntarily withdraw
without feeling conquered. with — the feeling of self-overcoming.

i’m not too academic.
i’m not too athletic.
i’m not too ambitious.
do you think i’m dark ⅋ delicious?

i’m ultra sensitive to Guilt.
my Mother was good @ giving it out,
dishing it out- as the appetizer, -main course… we were never allowed dessert.
this makes me ultra considerate.

i’m not deep. i don’t just opt for the downward direction.

i’m spontaneously calculated in my kindnesses.

some people i see from afar wear pain as mascara, & never blush. they forGOT to clean their faces. it’s soaked into their prying pores. i don’t want any of that sunless winter.

is there a humbly-confident artist?

is their a human being who’s been in darkness

— but come out pure ⅋ sweet?

i want people to sail into my shore
through my life
that bring out the brightest in me.
that allow all 23 sides of me.

all wisdom starts ⅋ unends with oceanic questions.
all folly — makes statements, which Beg to Become Beliefs.

people can’t hide their energy; or, their eyes.
[i’m trained in both those fields.]

why do i find the blond, cute?
the brunettes, seriously sexy?
the redheads, innocent?

on those occasions, i can feel your animosity in my action.
my blood tells me so when you surrender.

revenge is our most human trait. even children excel.
love, our most humane.

why do we like hard-workers? do we like hard-work, though? will we work hard for no money? for no reward?

why don’t we stay in~love with old girlfriends?

i treat others like they’re special because i’ve come to know that i’m special. the opposite is true. the opposite is true for so many =
that is, they treat me unspecial, or: shitty…
i have Snowy Sadness FOR them…

woman has become Sassy and Selfish.
that’s what happens when Subservience is oVerDue and oVerDone.
⅋ revolt is never graceful.

does INsecurity deplete INtuition?

knowing someone’s name gives you power.
nicknames create a friendly bond.

do we need Sarcasm to Survive? — he uttered.

is capitalism, barbaric? are social services, enabling?

EveryThing is Perfect. EndLess Improvement.

‘listen’ & ‘silent’ are (SpelleD) with the Same leTTers.

are all Abstractions Conjurings of Consciousness?

what’s a bigger word? — love or power? are they the same?
For Example= self-love is self-empowerment; and a powerful person is a lovely one in that.

diversity is creativity!

we’re all set-up to be sick with something in some sense.
we need others, ⅋ other shit, to UPshift.

compliment over critique. upLift,
Don’t bring Down. pull Down. Derail. Deflate.

what is festive, warms.
what is daunting, warns.
what is perpetually harsh, scorns.

i’m working on being more gentle.
does anyone want to join me.
the world needs this sentiment and hope.

all we seek is connection —
self, spiritual, sexual.

why do we not find trees, lonesome?
why do we find them, assured? assuring.
they are distinct from the other trunks on the surrounding ground.
they speak in shadowy, dark, deep tones to us.
will we stop using paper?

Work causes most misery.
Without acceptable power and delectable freedom, you won’t be happy.

i find the greatest Joyz! with kidz ‘n petss.

when we embarrass ourselves — we can find it personally humorous; we can giggle at ourselves. But when someone else shames us, we go to the darkest dwellings; it’s unspeakably horrific. demonic tellings.

money doesn’t produce, nor lead to, nor relate to (in any proven way), — happiness.
haven’t we figured this out yet?

all i care about, is

  • if you clean the dishes
  • how you fold your clothes
  • what time you wake up
  • who you hug
  • where you find your gods
  • ⅋ how you make love

the rich are moody
they care too much about their money
and the stock market’s capricious.

people are picky about what they put on their palettes. (they’re picky about some other items as well.)

I like doing things for other people. And if their spirit encourages them to say (like) a thank you (or something), …then
I’ll do jumping jacks in the shower, and
golden dance moves on the freeway.

i wanna become a cop. and just catch people doing sweet shit —
like carrying the old lady’s six-pack, or buying homeless men flowers.

gas should be free. — so should good music.

where the FUCK does Personality come from???

all friendships rely on Affection.
all marriages rely on excitement and enchantment; stability is overrated.

I want, almost, every day to be a local adventure. Here and then, — interspersed — I want to lead a hodgepodge of intelligent kittens to philosophical mecca’s.

On Friday Nites, people lose their minds. I wonder where they go?
on saturdays, people try 2 regain them. then 2 only lose them once more. this time — i wonder where they land? maybe somewhere Warm + Wicked?

there are a considerable amount of odd cats out there. i choose 2 judge them NOT;… but 2 have compassion… for they are misunderstood ⅋ misused in too many ways by the common folk.

in Life. what is Calm is UnCommon.

let me find out your Weaknesses.
i’ll exploit them as soon as i can / who am i? — Man.

i like My GuyZ with some Bravado ⅋ Splashes of Funk.
but i like gentle girls, who pick flowers, maybe sing soft songs — alone, and aspire 2 MotherHood by the age of 22.

i like clothing that’s tight — you know, ‘form-fitting’ — i work hard on my figure!

i like buts. i especially like my own but.
i like buts in the front, middle, ⅋ back of

hair is a perplexing topic.
it’s good on the head.
good on men’s faces. sometimes on their chest, depending on the lady. never on the back. only on certain parts of the arms.
armpits seem fine. legs too.
*but ladies! shave!

woMen are allowed 2 express their true feelings in many contexts.
but most men don’t. won’t. can’t.
only the brazen ones do.
the rest need liquor 2.

real bonding occurs only in
teamwork ⅋ intercourse.

i’m high off this ART right now.
i hope you got lifted.



𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖑
Philosophies, Psychologies, Poetries, Spiritualities ------ poet • artist • creator • performer • spiritualist • visionary • writer • philosopher • mystic • questioner • free thinker • free spirit