Is Stoicism relevant today? A few observations from reading Epictetus

Jeff Carter
Philosophically Speaking
3 min readJun 30, 2019

Takeaway #4 (of 5): Persuade with actions and NOT speech!

POP quiz: Too many people in 2019 are soooo ingrained in their dogmatic thinking they will never be open to higher level ideas. T or F

In the King James Version of the Bible, Matthew 4:7 reads: “Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” Ya gotta love some of the visuals the bible supplies. In other words, regardless of how amazing your argument (valid proof) is…certain people will never be swayed from their dogma by verbal arguments. (I am sure you are making a mental list as you read this! LOL)

Back in the day, (before the Matthew version) Epictetus has some insights on how to deal with these types of people as well. I guess they have always been around since the dawn of mankind. Maybe the fact there are sooo many political and business leaders that fall into this category today it seems like our lists might be a bit longer. Both of the following sections are ‘Excerpts From XLVI: Epictetus. “he Enchiridion.’ but I will deal with them separately.

“And if anyone tells you that you know nothing, and you are not nettled at it, then you may be sure that you have really entered on your work.”

This first passage is in reference to what the likely response will be when placing verbal ‘pearls’ before closed-minded thinkers. Epictetus admonishes, not only not being bothered by their reaction, but to probably expect it. Which leads to the main section:

“Thus, therefore, do you not make an exhibition before the ignorant of your principles, but of the actions to which their digestion gives rise.”

He is basically saying that pretty much the only way you will change someone’s mind, is by example through actions. He implies that authentic actions that show (prove?0 your point will be much easier to digest than words. An interesting example of this comes from a BBC article about US policy:

US diplomats work around White House gay pride flagpole ban

Regardless of how much of a buffoon you think Trump is, I don’t think anyone saw this ban coming. But locals around the globe found ways to ‘make their point’ without trying to argue with the steel-trap minds occupying the White House. Instead they let their actions speak louder than words. (Side note: It is too bad the Dems leadership does not show this same kind of creativity and grit!).

There is however, no guarantee this approach will work. Your actions may still fall on deaf ears — which should also not ‘nettle’ or upset you. Check out the second last image in the article of the dude from the religious right in Norway sending a tweet to Trump and Hanillty to tattle on the embassy. I guess some dogmatic thinkers will never change. Which in the immortal words of Metallica is, “Sad, but true.”

