New Habits, Revisited

Alex UA
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2017

Three months ago, in what I now believe to be the early stages of some sort of mid-life crisis (I turned 40 yesterday), I set out to create two new habits: starting to run (ok, jog…slowly) and writing more. Now, I know what you’re probably thinking (mom), which is something along the lines of “who the fuck cares?” Well, I care! And gosh darn it, people like me.

On the writing front, I can’t say that I’ve been doing great. I did write more than the previous year in that period, but that’s a bit like being the most attractive person at an ugly convention. The point is, I didn’t write enough, and I espescially felt the pain of starting numerous posts and then failing to publish them as I just waited for a couple more minutes of time to add/edit/rewrite entirely. But, while there have been setbacks for sure, this post is another of my attempts to not let seemingly trivial things like “having something interesting to say” get in my way of spouting off in public.

On the jogging side, I’ve certainly had some major obstacles in my way to overcome, mostly injuries. First I injured my lower back, which took a couple of weeks of rest and physical therapy to get right, then I had some runners knee issues, and of course everyone’s favorite: shin splints! But… I still feel like the jogging is going better, and as proof to myself and the world that I’m not just some lazy blowhard (I can live with blowing hard, but lazy?) I am still jogging and I will run my first 10k in a couple of weeks.

Not only am I jogging, but I’m reviving one of my favorite old habits that I seem to have let slip over the past few years: doing something good to help other people. What is old becomes new again.

How so, you ask? I’m running the 10k as a FundRacer for the awesome nonprofit Back on My Feet, an organization that helps homeless individuals in Philadelphia and across the country. So, mom, if you’ve made it this far and you’d like to help me keep up with my new and revived habits, then please donate to my FundRacer, and you’ll be helping a great org in the process.

And if this goes well (meaning I survive), I think next up is the Philly 1/2 Marathon in November. Hopefully I’ll still be jogging and writing by then.



Alex UA

Founder/CEO of Zivtech & I'm a born hustler, an Open Source evangelist, a 'flat cap awesome' professional troublemaker, & a family man.