Accumulation Theory of History

Philip Dhingra
Published in
7 min readMay 2, 2020


A painting of a Titanomachy (i.e. clash of titans)

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme” — unknown

Both conspiracy theorists and Marxists share a flawed viewed of history, of “us versus them.” Conspiracy theorists see a world run by a “secret cabal” and Marxists see one run by resource and labor exploiters. But they’re both saying the same thing: people at the top have their boot on our throats. So, who is pulling the strings? The answer is nobody. History isn’t “us versus them,” but rather “them versus them.” It’s a battle between whoever is in first place with whoever is in second or third place. All the resulting ages and victory parades are just stories that we tell ourselves.

Bernie Sanders likes to call out the 1%, but it’s still too many people. 1% of America is still three million people, and most of them are preoccupied with renovating their second homes or picking private schools. No, the “powers that be” is more specific. It’s literally a handful of people, maybe ten, i.e. one small band of billionaires versus another small band of billionaires.

Consider the American Revolution. Was it the result of an enlightened march towards freedom? Or was it really a conflict between the New Money colonial entrepreneurs and the Old Money British landowners? By historian Howard Zinn’s account, the Revolution wasn’t even a popular war, with…



Philip Dhingra

Author of Dear Hannah, a cautionary tale about self-improvement. Learn more: