“Dulcius Ex Asperis”

sweeter after difficulties

Zaira Abbas
2 min readMar 31, 2018


Latin phrases are my new sources of inspiration. Few words with great , deep lessons. Many of them were the brainchild of wise philosophers and thinkers. Also, I really like how they sound when I say them out loud, almost like a spell from some wizard’s book.

This one really jells well with me. Adversaries can have different impacts on people. What I’ve seen is that hardships usually make most people bitter. They have this sense of being mistreated in an unfair world. But for wiser people, the point is learning a lesson and using it to face the unfairness of life. We don’t have to be all serious and sour because the world didn’t embrace us like a loving mother. The world owes us nothing.

I believe its really important to be able to look beneath the surface, detach from our own selves and get a good perspective. Our sufferings will start to make sense. They will give us the answers we were looking for.

All the hurdles and hardships in the sea of life makes us a skilled sailor. We start appreciating our shores, the breeze, the waves and everything that sets us asail. One needs to trust a higher power in order to find these difficulties meaningful. That is when we can use the pain to be a means of strength. That is when we can learn from the lessons that the universe has for us.

Is it ironic that all the wise, kind and nurturing people I know are the ones who went through some really hard times. They endured what I could not have imagined going through for myself. The world wasn’t so kind to them and that is exactly what gave them a reason to be so.

