Qui totum vult totum perdit

Zaira Abbas
Published in
1 min readMay 14, 2018

He who wants everything loses everything

We spend our lives in pursuit of things. There is so much that we want. All that we have somehow isn’t enough. We are a generation of grand goals, passionate pursuits and luxurious lifestyles.

Is it possible to have everything in life? Doesn’t seem so. Then why the hunger? Why the want for more when we’ve not even properly enjoyed or appreciated what we have. Especially in material things. We want things thinking attaining them will make us happy. We strive for it, hope for it, we may eventually get it. Then what? We get bored and then we want the next big thing.

We are also overly ambitious in other things. We want love, respect, fame and glory. We also forget in wanting all of them we compromise other things. we may become unpopular , but remain respectful. We may become famous but lose respect.

The key is to be content with what one has. There is nothing wrong in the pursuit of something better but this pursuit to achieve it all, to possess it all makes us blind to the blessings right in front of us.

After all, the more we have , the more we’ve got to lose.

