“Tempus Fugit”

Time Flies

Zaira Abbas
2 min readJan 29, 2018


How often do we look back and wonder where the years went by. In the grand scheme of things, our lives are but a split second or even less. What’s to marvel about is how much we go through in the few moments we call life.

The experiences we have, the thoughts we think, the emotions we feel. Its all so glorious and trivial at the same time. The lives of people before us, and of the ones that are yet to come, are such beautiful stories.

Time is the currency of life. Its the very thing we gamble with all the time. Not realizing how fast it is slipping away from our hands. Nothing can remain standing against the sands of time.

Looking at ours lives in the stretches of eternity, how insignificant do they seem. Billions of people have come and gone on this little speck of a planet floating in the space. All having unique experiences. Then what difference does our lifetime makes? Why do we give undue importance to things that don’t even matter in the entirety of our own lives? Why do we waste time being miserable about petty things.

One cant stay happy at all times, but one does need to detach from their own little selves, escape the walls of time and space to see that we are just a thread in the carpet that is weaving itself endlessly.

What we feel today is going to change tomorrow.a Time can be a healer, time can be a sedative.

There is a story about a king who asked one of his trusted servants to make him a ring. He challenged him to engrave something on it such that whenever he is sad, it will make him happy, and whenever he is happy, it will make him sad.

Guess what the servant engraved on the ring?
“This time too shall pass”.

