Photo by Ashim D’Silva from Unsplash

Listen, you are going to be okay.

Nisha Karthigeyan
Philosophy Café
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2020


She stood there – the first time seeing the beauty of what she had been pushing through, blindly searching for the path to the top.

The clouds finally thinned and sunlight warmed her tired bones, while the memories of all these hard times started slipping.
How can one know how steep the slope actually feels before walking?
How can one know how far you need to go when the mountain is half covered in clouds?
How can one know what will happen one the way up? Who you will loose and what will leave you doubting?

And if you finally reach the top how will you decide to continue?
And then a voice speaks to me in a faint impression “Listen to me, my dear”.

The composed sound resonated well with my senses. “You are the kindest, smartest, most beautiful person I have ever met.

And you’re going to be so so happy. Okay?”

(Thank-you for reading this article!)

To follow my work on.



Nisha Karthigeyan
Philosophy Café

The idli sambhar girl who wants to write her own Book! Iam an avid blogger. Writing is my passion.