Photo by Twirling Girl from Pinterest

The Girl Caught in the Rain.

It Has Been Raining All Week and Day!

Nisha Karthigeyan
Philosophy Café
Published in
2 min readAug 18, 2020


And this is what life is about, no matter if we rain down, the important thing is to always keep smiling.

How I appreciate the little things that never cease to hold me together.

The slight breeze pushing the window, the sound of raindrops sweeping my balcony floor, how everything seems fresh, greener and filled with life, those starry nights which no more show and the sunlight that barely manages to touch me during the day, the smell of books and my dream of laying on a grass field to an open sky, dancing with myself to my favourite song, flipping through letters and postcards, the moving tree branches, of how they remind me of swaying lightly through the rough times, novels that bring butterflies to my belly, hugs, cuddles, laughter and remembering all my magnificent disasters.

(Thank-you for reading this article!)

My passion is writing. Everything I write about is geared toward things that I deeply cares about—experiences, thoughts, drama, and emotions. A full-time mom to two handsome boys—11 and 4—I built a career around insurance underwriting and later, teaching of English literature and language in high school, before vanishing into full-time mommy responsibilities. I believe that life is not meant to be serious all of the time, and that we should have fun as much as we can. Besides writing, I enjoy watching spy network series and living it up by creating laugh memes with my two lovely young boys!
To follow my work on.



Nisha Karthigeyan
Philosophy Café

The idli sambhar girl who wants to write her own Book! Iam an avid blogger. Writing is my passion.