Asghar Bukhari: The Real Reason Why The West Fears Muslims


Many non-Muslims constantly accuse Muslims of being violent. It took me a long time to understand why?

How could the most powerful militaries the world had ever seen, feel so threatened by the most powerless of all people — Muslims.

This made no sense to me. They were the ones with all the weapons, all the technology and all the money, and lets face it - controlling most of the world.

So why were they always so worried about Muslims? The Muslim world has, to this day, not been able to make a single plane, or tank — what was I missing, what were they afraid of?

Even the very governments, Muslims were forced to live under were owned by the West — brutal puppets who would kill their own people as soon as their western handler gave them the nod.

Not only did we not have any planes or tanks, we didn't even have a country!

Statistically, the most powerful of the Western countries, America, spent more on weapons than all of the rest of the world combined and still the US and the Europeans kept screaming about the threat from Muslims. Their shrill alarmist rhetoric played constantly across the world.

It was like they were living in some sort of mortal fear. They were fixated on it. Any incident of Muslim aggression became twenty four hour news, wall to wall coverage. It seemed all they ever talked about. It was so crazy, that at first I thought they were just lying as some sort of propaganda…

But the more I reflected, the more I realised — they actually are scared.

Unchained Slave

You see, when they say they are scared of Muslims, it is true — they are. But not as they would have us believe — they are scared like a slave master is scared of a woken slave.

You see deep down, in their souls, they know what they are doing to the poor people of the world. They know that the people they have abused with such inhumanity, such cruelty and injustice, one day may stop being afraid. And then the tables would be turned. Their deepest, darkest nightmare will have come true.

You see, it is their guilt which has turned into paranoia. It is guilt itself that drives their fear. They fear the retribution of their victims and that is why they are so scared, and they have every right to be.

Guilt is a strange thing.

Usually it is associated with remorse, where man admits he is at fault to himself, the subsequent pain he inflicts upon his soul, cleanses him, purifies his consceince and thus enables him to be a better man in the future.

But what when a man commits a crime, but instead of going through the purging furnace of guilt, he instead justifies his actions, even to himself. Deep in his heart he knows what he has done, deny as he might, he knows his own crime, and that knowledge, buried deep within him, contorts to find an outlet and manifests itself - in darker ways.

The crime eats at his very soul. Knawing away, poisoning him and colouring everything he sees.

He fears to look into himself for what is buried there. He fears that one day his crimes will be undone and seeks constantly to suppress the inevitable. But the more he does so, instead of burying the thing he wishes to forget — it becomes all he can see — all he can think about.

And you see this strange manifestation, clearly in the Western Media. It constantly screams in panic at every Muslim rebellious action or act of independence. Each act petrifies them more than the last. You see they dread the slave losing the one thing that holds them in check — fear.

Judgement Day

They dread it like they dread death itself. For in their minds, it would be like judgement day for all their sins. The tyrant having to face judgement by those he condemned.

They know deep in their souls the crimes they commit, but to continue it, they need to justify it to their souls. So they tell each other, that the barbarous outrages have to be committed, else the Muslim savage could not be stopped — and they have to act in order to save themselves.

And so their outraged screams at Muslim perceived transgression, are actually driven by self preservation.

Their call to arms that spur others to destroy the Muslim — gives them some peace. Our death and imprisonment allows them to feel their crime will remain unpunished. They must, in their warped mind — destroy us, before, as they have imagined in their darkest moments alone — the slave unchains himself and destroys them.

They fear the Muslim, like Pharaoh feared the coming of Moses.

(I leave you with the video’s below)

