Sorry, Most Canadians are not nice. They are fairly racists. Sorry, sorry.

The reality can shock you.

Tony Yeung
General Writing: Idea, Thinking, Opinion
5 min readNov 27, 2016


I wrote an article few months ago about the attitude how Canadian can be in reality. I noticed there are more and more comments about how Canadian are ignorance, arrogant and rude. In fact, they are fairly racists. The reason why you could not see much about racism in Canada is because all these voices are covered by political correctness.

First, here are some of the new comments about Canadian.

Living in Toronto does something to people. It’s like it sucks all the Canadian out of the residents there and leaves them something closer to those rude Yanks. The stereotype of the polite Canadian really isn’t that far off, with the glaring exception of pretty much everyone in the GTA where people yell and fight and they don’t seem to know how to queue up for things either. The rest of the country is pretty good at sticking to an organized lineup, but in Toronto the act of queuing up is more like a mad crush to get to wherever they need to go. I was once standing in a sorta-lineup of people waiting to get onto a streetcar and when I got to the doors, there was another dude beside me (because again, they don’t know how to line up single file). Being a reasonably polite person, I motioned for him to go in first but my gesture was met with a confused look of distrust like this dude thought I was pulling some kind of scam. A few awkward seconds later and he barked, “Just get on,” but at that point our roles reversed and I was now worried he was gonna try and rob me when I went on. Toronto’s lack of courtesy is infectious it seems.

From here.

Canada is not for the colourful people !

All colourful people are treated as 2nd, 3rd class citizens. The good jobs, human rights, justice, blah blah blah are there to protect the pales only. “No canadian experience” is but a good term to make immigrants work as slaves for the pales. If you still dont believe, go try it out!

It is not the pales my friend, it is the system.

I am a pale europian descent immigrant, educated in Canada, and after 11 years of being here, I am rethinking of moving back home since I can not find a jobs in engineering anymore.(All gone to china, india, and mexico). All savings are draining. By the way Greater Toronto Area (GTA) where I live, the pale people (White) are minority. Think about it: Brampton = 500000 people, 90% from india, Scarborough = 500000 people, 90% blacks and indians, Markham = 350000 people, 90% chinese, Richmond Hill = 300000 people, 80 % Iran, & Arab countries, Midtown of etobicoke, 40–50% Jamaicans and so on.

We are all in this hard to live and work country called Canada. High taxes, high unemployment, very high divorce rate, zero genuine time for family, stressful materialistic society.

Raj says

October 28, 2016 at 6:57 am

Intellectual racism is rampant in Canada. The racism is subtle towards Indian ( read brown ) people and Chinese people. If you are poor class or lower middle class in India, come here to do low level jobs. You will just about survive. But if you are upper middle class or rich class from India, don’t even bother. You will waste your life and savings over here. Huge massive cultural shock, fools paradise indeed.

- See more at:

Here are some news about racism in Canada:

Signs aimed at white people ‘sick of being blamed for all the world’s problems’ were spotted in East York on Monday.

Eyewitness says man, who was white, threatened and tried to intimidate a brown-skinned man on a streetcar. No charges have been filed.

Ottawa police confirmed two occurrences of hate graffiti, saying that they received a call about red swastikas and racial slurs spray-painted on a local church.

Toronto man finds 2 swastikas spray-painted in his Queen Street East neighbourhood

The Richmond, B.C. community is outraged after some racist flyers showed up in residents’ mailboxes this week.

Toronto Blue Jays have no specific policy on how to deal with racist comments

So what do I want?

These are only few news about racism in Canada, especially in Toronto. As an honest Canadian, I have been experiencing the racism in Toronto every day, including on the street, on the job market, and even on the Internet. I would like people to understand that Canada is no different from other country. The Canadian marketing are doing so well on Canadian culture, such as labeling Canadian as friendly, accepting different kinds of people etc. In reality, numbers of Canadian are ignorance, arrogance and racists.

