How I wrote a 9,000-word e-book in ONE day

I recorded the whole thing so you can watch it


I just wrote an ebook in ONE day and RECORDED the entire writing process (including hilarious commentary), which you can view at

It was a blast. I started at 1:30pm and completed the draft by 7:00pm.

I took several breaks for pushups, a few sandwiches, and tea. I wrote about 9,000 words that should help 26-year-olds immediately improve their life or work in small ways without extra effort (let’s say minimal extra effort).

The book is titled: “Life Hacking for 26-Year-Olds: ACE Life, Build Metaphors, and Create Your Own Story”.

I used Scrivener for writing and Screenflow for recording. Then uploaded to Vimeo and use the TubePress plugin to display the entire process on

Were there times when I wanted to stop? Hell yes there were.

By screen-recording the entire session, though, I created the sense (real or not) that everyone was watching me. With everyone on the edge of their seats, I couldn’t stop writing.

I also listened to the positive thoughts that sometimes (miraculously?) overpower the negative ones. Here’s one of my favorite inner thoughts:

When you reach your limits, laugh, and keep going.

What’s next? Well, I’m writing another short e-book today about how to take a penalty kick, the art and science.

You might say I’m stoked for the World Cup to start tomorrow.

Cheers and hit me up if you read my e-book experiment. I want to hear what you loved and what you hated.

