Stop “Sharing”. Start WRITING.

Jeff Glovsky
General Writing: Idea, Thinking, Opinion
2 min readDec 31, 2015


A keyboard at one’s fingertips does not a “writer” make… Innit?

For many years, I’ve been “smh” at:

The propagation of mediocrity… the computer-made images, sounds and graphics, the “music” unwritten by human beings… or written once, but co-opted, “remixed” now by people with exaggerated senses of Self(ie); or new self-esteems, poking their heads out like flowers… reminding themselves feverishly that they CAN:

They CAN draw! They CAN paint! They CAN dance and make music… They ARE artists, producers, DJs and filmmakers.

They DO exist… but on the backs and shoulders of technology; or the original works of others that they feel entitled, and are openly encouraged, to “share”.

I know no one will ever ‘steal’ my piece referenced above, because a) it’s original (as are all of my Words By). It’s not some weird list of things… Nor a treacly self-help treatise that nobody has, or would, ever ask me to write.

It’s a first-person, largely in-head thought / mood piece — Nobody else fell down on 14th Street… lay there, and thought the same things that I did at that given moment.


And that’s writing.

Compiling and “sharing” lists (or the creative efforts of others!), is not. Sorry.

Anyway. Also?

b) All Rights Reserved. This is the oldest and simplest trick in the book, yet sadly, does not seem to go without saying. You don’t want to get through some words I’ve written because in the end, you‘re not encouraged to share or “highlight” certain phrases?

*Shrugging violently*


For every hundred or so of you who choose to eschew me, because your online “friends” have no way to know that you’re reading my dark comic piece set in Munich, for example… there will always be one or two who will “follow” my first-person, largely in-head thought / mood pieces (with profoundly bottom-scraping “read ratios”!), who know better and will get the fact that what’s being read is original, intrinsic… not necessarily (certainly not necessary) to be “shared” or “liked”… and written, 100%, always

by Jeff Glovsky



Jeff Glovsky
General Writing: Idea, Thinking, Opinion

Private Tweets and Public Feats (Photos and Writing By) Jeff Glovsky