Building Healthy Habits: A Guide for Teen Decision Makers

Decision Making 101
3 min readMar 28, 2024

In the whirlwind of decision making methods adolescence, teens face an array of choices that can profoundly impact their health and well-being. From what they eat for lunch to how they spend their weekend, the smart decisions they make today can shape their future. In this guide, we’ll explore effective decision making methods and strategies for teens to make smart decisions and build healthy habits that last a lifetime.

Understanding Decision Making Methods

Decision making methods is a skill that can be honed with practice and awareness. For teens, learning effective decision making methods is crucial for navigating the complexities of adolescence. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Identify Options:

Encourage teens to brainstorm and explore all possible options before making a smart decisions. Whether it’s choosing what to eat for lunch or deciding how to spend their weekend, having a variety of options allows for better decision making methods.

2. Consider Consequences:

Help teens understand the potential outcomes of each choice they make. Discuss both short-term and long-term consequences, emphasizing how their smart decisions can impact their health, relationships, and future goals.

3. Seek Advice:

Encourage teens to seek guidance from trusted adults, such as parents, teachers, or mentors, when faced with difficult decision making methods. Consulting with others can provide valuable perspectives and insights.

4. Reflect and Learn:

After making a smart decisions, encourage teens to reflect on the outcome. What worked well? What could have been done differently? Encourage a growth mindset, emphasizing that mistakes are opportunities for learning and improvement.

Making Smart Decisions for Healthier Habits

Now, let’s apply these decision making methods to building healthy habits:

1. Nutrition

Teens often face tempting choices when it comes to food, with fast food and sugary snacks readily available. Help them make smart decisions by:

- Planning Ahead: Encourage meal planning and preparation, ensuring they have nutritious options available.

- Reading Labels: Teach teens to read food labels and make informed choices about what they eat.

- Balanced Diet: Emphasize the importance of a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.

2. Physical Activity

Regular exercise is essential for physical and mental well-being. Help teens incorporate physical activity into their daily routine by:

- Finding Enjoyable Activities: Encourage teens to explore different types of exercise until they find activities they enjoy, whether it’s team sports, dancing, or hiking.

- Setting Goals: Help teens set realistic fitness goals and track their progress over time.

- Making it Social: Encourage teens to exercise with friends or family members, making physical activity a fun and social experience.

3. Sleep

Adequate sleep is vital for teens’ overall health and academic performance. Support healthy sleep habits by:

- Establishing a Bedtime Routine: Encourage teens to establish a consistent bedtime routine, including winding down before bed and avoiding screens.

- Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Ensure teens have a comfortable and quiet sleep environment, free from distractions.

- Prioritizing Sleep: Help teens understand the importance of prioritizing sleep, even during busy times.


Building healthy habits requires intentional decision making methods and commitment. By equipping teens with effective smart decisions and empowering them to make smart decisions, we can help them lay the foundation for a lifetime of health and well-being. Encourage teens to take ownership of their decision making methods, seek support when needed, and approach each choice with mindfulness and intentionality. With the right guidance and support, teen decision making methods can pave the way for a healthier future.

Remember, the smart decisions teens make today can shape the rest of their lives. Let’s empower them to make smart decisions that prioritize their health and well-being, setting them on a path to success and fulfillment.



Decision Making 101

Writer | COO | I am a beginner entrepreneur with many questions. I write about them to help people like me who are starting their Entrepreneurial journey.