Mastering Decision-Making Methods: Inspired by Obama

Decision Making 101
2 min readMar 18, 2024
Photo by History in HD on Unsplash

If you don’t know already, I am bad at decision-making. If you have read my blog “How to Make Better Decisions?” then you will already know how bad I am at it. Simply put, I used to be the poster child for decision fatigue. Seriously, if there was an Olympic sport for overthinking, I would have won gold every single time. Every day was a battle of choices — what to wear, what to eat, what to do next. It was exhausting!

Then, one day, I stumbled upon this concept called decision fatigue. It’s like hitting the mental wall after running a marathon of choices. Turns out, the more decisions we make, the worse we get at making them. No wonder I was feeling drained all the time!

Enter Barack Obama and his legendary wardrobe strategy. Did you know that during his time in office, he only wore blue or grey suits? And Mark Zuckerberg? He’s all about the casual wear — hoodies and jeans, every single day.

At first, I thought, “What’s the big deal about suits and hoodies?” But then I realized something. By simplifying their wardrobe choices, they were conserving precious mental energy for more important decisions.

Photo by Ron Lach

So, I decided to take a leaf out of their book. I mean, if it worked for them, why not give it a shot, right? I went into my wardrobe, which was basically a chaotic mess of clothes, and started pairing things up. Shirts with pants, dresses with shoes — you get the idea.

Now, instead of spending ages staring into the abyss of my closet, trying to decide what to wear, I just grab a pre-paired outfit and go about my day. It’s like having a personal stylist without the hefty price tag!

Photo by Dione Neris

And you know what? It’s been a game-changer. I have more energy, feel less overwhelmed, and, best of all, make better decisions. Who would’ve thought that something as simple as organizing my wardrobe could have such a profound impact on my life?

So, if you’re feeling like you’re drowning in a sea of decisions, take a page out of Obama’s playbook and simplify wherever you can. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it!



Decision Making 101

Writer | COO | I am a beginner entrepreneur with many questions. I write about them to help people like me who are starting their Entrepreneurial journey.