Getting Intimate with Asher Moss’ Vintage Polaroid Style

Jessi Gowan
PHLEARN Magazine
Published in
10 min readOct 24, 2019


Asher Moss was pursuing a music career in Nashville, Tennessee when he picked up an old Pentax K1000 STU at a flea market — and he hasn’t looked back since.

Six years later, Asher’s voyeuristic style and vintage Polaroid aesthetic have captured the attention of fans around the world, earning him commissions with major brands like Urban Decay Cosmetics and Calvin Klein. Using primarily medium format, 35mm, and Polaroid film, Asher showcases intimate, cinematic scenes that are rich in both narrative and atmosphere.

Now, he’s looking to blend his love of music with his evocative imagery to create something truly unique. We chatted with Asher about how he captures intimacy, what he thinks makes for a strong portrait, and how vintage equipment enhances modern photography.

When did you first begin to consider yourself a photographer and artist? How did you get your start?

ASHER: It was kind of an accident, actually. I was living in Nashville, doing music full-time, and I went to a flea market with a friend who was kind of a hobby photographer. We…

