how to build your own awesome community on phlow

Jelena Borojevic
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2019

The best thing about phlow is the opportunity to find your tribe — a community of people who are passionate about the same things you are. The phlow community is incredibly supportive, and it’s never been easier to express yourself confidently and find people similar to you.

It’s very simple to find your tribe in phlow. All you need to do is to search for the themes you love and get engaged with the content. You can subscribe to journals and streams of photographs that interest you, save photos you like or even share the content with people who are not on phlow.

You can also become a valuable member of your tribe by contributing with your own content — journals and photographs.

Here are some useful tips to help you become relevant in your phlow community.

create engaging content

Content is key when it comes to building your phlow community. And the great thing about this is that you can be yourself and express your individuality while creating content about things you are passionate about. phlow’s community is diverse and it is highly likely that you will find many people who love the same things you do.

Think about creating journals about themes that interest you or that you know a lot about, such as: books, games, cinematography, music, fashion, etc. There are no limitations and no requirements on which topic is right or wrong for your journal. Make your content engaging and unique by adding a personal spin and your own reflections on the topic, which will make other users interested in what you have to say and share.

solve a problem

People are always looking for ways to make their lives easier. It’s a unique opportunity for you to make sure your content will find engaging audience by solving problems that other people face.

Perhaps there is a particular topic that you learned a lot about from your own experience and you’d like to share your learnings to help others. Start your journal about the issue you experienced in the past and tell others how you coped with the problem. With phlow, you can be as free as you want to be when it comes to creating journals and sharing your personal and professional stories.

update daily

When people find your content interesting they will want to see more and more of it. In order to really engage with your community, you need to update your journals on a regular basis.

Determine the updating frequency that suits best your personal or professional schedule, but make sure that it’s consistent. When you provide new content regularly you become more reliable to members of your community, and they will come back and check on your new content on a regular basis.

interact with other phlow users

It’s fun to meet other phlow users through the content they share. After all, the community is all about interacting with and helping each other.

When you find the content you love, make sure to subscribe to those journals and photo streams to stay updated about new content. Become a valued contributor by upvoting and downvoting the content in a stream and help your community curate the content around a particular theme.

Every single action you make towards other people’s content will contribute to what other users see. In other words, whatever you do in phlow, affects the entire community. Make sure to get yourself engaged with other people’s content and help your community grow.

optimize your profile

Make sure that your profile says something about you. Don’t just leave it blank, because when other phlow users stop by your profile to see who is behind it, they would love to know something more about you.

Add your photo, and prepare a short bio about yourself. Perhaps you could mention all the things you’re journaling about, so other users will know what you’re into.

share your content with people outside phlow

phlow makes it super easy to share your content on virtually any channel. It makes it even easier to reach a wider audience for your content and to invite people to check out your phlow content.

Every time you create new content, share it on your social media profiles or send it to your friends via email. Anyone outside of phlow can view your content with a link, which means that they don’t need to create a phlow profile of their own just to view your journal or your photos.

be yourself

Above all, the most important thing is to always be yourself. We want phlow to be a place where you can open up about your thoughts, opinions, and creativity, without the obsession of likes and followers.

We want you to have fun, and to meet other amazing people who share the same passion that you do. The phlow community will never judge you or discriminate against anyone.

Our users come from all over the world and proudly showcase their culture, traditions, religion, interests and way of life. So, no matter which interests you have or which part of the world you might be coming from, there will always be a place in phlow for you to call home.

find your tribe in phlow today!

First published on phlow.

